Actors with Child Actor Components get out of sync when undoing component transform in child Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Aug 17, 2023

Undoing a child actor's component transform in its Blueprint editor isn't reflected in child actor instances in the level editor. Subsequent transforms are also not propagated after the undo breaks ...

Sketchup model imports as an empty container when imported via Interchange.

TM - Interoperability - Jan 30, 2024

So far I could reproduce this with 3 different files. I only attached this one, since this is the smallest ...

USplineMeshComponent::CalcBounds may return invalid value

USplineMeshComponent::CalcBounds function should be returning an FBoxSphereBounds type, but in the implementation it instead outputs an FBox. This may result in the returning of invalid results, esp ...

Crash when clicking on a "Two Bone IK" node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 5, 2015

Crash when clicking on a "Two Bone IK" node in an Animation Blueprint Crash Reporter currently down, see callstack section. Log and dmp are attached ...

Uasset causes editor to crash when opened/right clicked

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 21, 2014

Character asset will crash the editor immediately when opened or right clicked. Crash Report: 431837 ...

HydroErosion on landscape crashes on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Mar 13, 2015

While on a Linux OS, the editor immediately crashes if the Hydro Erosion tool is used on a landscape. ...

Navmesh breaks after hitting build or build>paths after upgrading to 4.7.2

UE - AI - Mar 10, 2015

Navmesh breaks and repeats pattern from individual landscape section when a project is updated to 4.7.2 and then build or build paths is pressed. ...

This project crashes when one Blueprint is compiled if its child Blueprint is opened in another tab

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 18, 2015

This project crashes when one Blueprint is compiled if its child Blueprint is opened in another tab. This only occurs with one Parent/Child combination: the crash occurs when compiling Building whil ...

Spline blueprints cause negative values in Scene Outliner until build pressed again

Tools - Nov 6, 2014

Moving a spline mesh in the viewport causes negative values to be applied in the scene outliner actor count until the level is built again. ...