Tether Parameters Have No Effect On Clothing Using the NvCloth Clothing Tool

OLD - Anim - Oct 4, 2017

In Editor Preferences < under Experimental < Clothing Tools is enabledOwen was migrated over and the original clothing asset was deleted and a new one created to test the issueOnly the ties on his coa ...

Lightmass crashes when lighting is built with material that has "Cast Shadow as Masked"

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 4, 2017

Lightmass is crashing when using a material that has "Cast Shadow as Masked" set to true in its properties. Found in 4.18 P3 CL#3676890 Unable to reproduce in 4.16.3 CL# 3561208 and 4.17.2 CL#365 ...

Mac - Toasts hide behind the editor when dismissing the right-click menu in the Content Browser

UE - Platform - Apple - Oct 4, 2017

REGRESSION: Yes, this does not occur in 4.17 When the user dismisses the right-click menu in the Content Browser, any active toasts will suddenly become hidden behind the editor window. Only when ...

Crash closing Parent and Child blueprint after renaming variable

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 4, 2017

REGRESSION Uncertain, was not able to repro in 4.17 with these steps. But I also can't repro with another version of QAGame in Binary editor. Crash occurs when the user closes a parent and child b ...

Actor Class Reference can take invalid Value, can lead to crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 4, 2017

REGRESSION: Can be certain as this testing was blocked by [Link Removed] Through a specific chain of events (see repro), it's possible to have a non-actor as the value for an Actor Class Reference, ...

Hidden widgets can still be clicked and moved in the designer tab (at design time)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 4, 2017

Widgets who's visibility has been set to false in the editor can still be clicked/dragged in the designer tab. ...

Returning a const pointer from a UFUNCTION causes a VS compile error

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealHeaderTool - Oct 4, 2017

Attempting to return a const pointer from a UFUNCTION will cause a VS compile error The syntax UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = test) const UMyActorComp* SomeFunc(); returns a VS compile ...

Metal crash after painting 300 Foliage meshes onto a surface

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 4, 2017

Encountered a Metal crash when painting Foliage on Mac. I'm unable to reproduce anything similar on Windows. This crash can occur if the user drags a Static Mesh into the Foliage Panel or uses an e ...

Metal Mobile Renderer remains checked after disabling it in the Project Settings

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 3, 2017

These were not options in 4.17 so not a regression. ...

Crash changing variable type from Object Reference to Actor Soft Object Reference

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 3, 2017

REGRESSION: No, this occurs as far back as 4.16. Crash occurs when the user changes a variable type from Object Reference to Actor Soft Object Reference. ...