LIVE: The editor crashes on Mac when attempting to open the attached Media Player .uasset

Tools - Nov 4, 2014

Does not occur on PC. CRASHREPORT: [Link Removed] CALLSTACK: <unknown module>! FOutputDeviceMacError::HandleError() <unknown module>! EngineCrashHandler(FGenericCrashContext const&) <unknow ...

Code classes with a portion of the project name and parent type cannot be created.

Tools - Feb 25, 2015

When adding code to a project, class names cannot be used if they contain a portion of the project's names and the type of class of the parent. Message says that the name is already used by another ...

Converting Texture Sample to Parameter when MipValue set to "Level" or "Bias"

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - May 27, 2015

When a Texture Sample's MipValue is set to something other than "none" (which adds the extra pin), attempting to convert that Texture Sample to a parameter will cause the Editor to crash. (Simple r ...

Box selection in orthographic view ports with nothing previously selected will select BSP brushes even when you are not passing over edges or vertices

Tools - Feb 13, 2015

Box selection in orthographic view ports with nothing previously selected will select BSP brushes even when you are not passing over edges or vertices. The current expected behavior is that it would ...

Mouse cursor appears outside of viewport while in PIE if UE4 and UDK are both open

Tools - Jan 15, 2015

Mouse appears outside of viewport window when cursor is dragged off of editor window while UDK is open. This occurs even if UDk is minimized. Note: Cursor will appear outside of editor window but a ...

A bug in UBTService_BlueprintBase makes it impossible to create "deactivation-only" BP implemented BT services

UE - AI - Jan 22, 2016

A bug in UBTService_BlueprintBase makes it impossible to create "deactivation-only" BP implemented BT services. ...

Editor crashes on Mac OSX when attempting to access a new game in Strategy Game on Launch

Tools - Oct 21, 2014

While launching StrategyGame to a Mac OSX desktop, the editor will crash if the user attempts to start a new game from the main menu. Frequency: 4/4 ...

Rendering issue when moving the Collision Presets' Edit Profile window

Tools - Nov 20, 2014

The user is reporting a rendering issue when moving around the Edit Profile window in Project Settings > Collision > Presets. Dxdiag is attached. The user has an HD7950 and has updated to the late ...

[Mac][Metal] Black/NaN spots Visible in Templates With r.BasePassOutputsVelocity

UE - Platform - Apple - Apr 15, 2016

Base-pass rendering on Mac Metal now generates transient black/Nan spots across the scene - this appears to be related to r.BasePassOutputsVelocity and is presumably the connected to the incorrect s ...

Variables can no longer be set as a DataTableRowHandle type

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 14, 2015

Variables can no longer be set as a DataTableRowHandle type. The option is no longer available in the Variable Type dropdown. This is a regression: this was possible in 4.7.6. Reproduced in 4.8.3 b ...