In the UHT boilerplate that's generated for the FGUseableInterface type, there is a pure virtual declaration that's emitted for the BlueprintNativeEvent's required _Implementation() method: #define ...
World-locked stereo layers don't seem to be in the correct place when viewed in SteamVR. In 4.16, if you Subtracted the difference of VR origin location and world origin location and offset the pos ...
When a class contains a FRuntimeFloatCurve variable, compiling a blueprint of the class causes the editor to crash once a key has been added to the curve and selected Regression: Yes, the provided ...
When CommandLineTools is set as the default tool, an inaccurate warning message is displayed when opening the Editor that states that Xcode is too old to compile Metal shaders, even if the latest ve ...
When updating InstanceStaticMesh transform from C++ or BP, UpdateInstanceTransform then FStaticMeshInstanceBuffer::UpdateInstanceData gets called. Sometimes InstanceData->SetInstance in FStaticMeshI ...
Hovering the mouse cursor over the Invalidate node in Blueprints to get the hover text brings up the same text as the Is Valid node. ...
This is a longstanding but low frequency Mac crash. User DescriptionsChanging camera shake values and testing in a new editor window Callstack from Log[2017.11.09-19.23.22:392][ 63]LogMaterial: Mi ...
This is a low frequency but trending crash coming out of 4.18. User DescriptionsAttempting to open a copied/converted from 4.16.3 project on 4.18 preview 4. Problem arose after preview 3. Was able ...
This bug removes foliage from a level when the Component Blueprint is compiled. Switching the Foliage type asset to another component will cause the issue to stop occurring. The Component Blueprint ...
This is a longstanding crash that has occurred since at least 4.13. User DescriptionsI cant package. Every time I try, I get a crash and an "Unknown Error"failed to switch between game modes and af ...