When a WorldAlignedTexture node is connected to multiply and then to a base color output, the material cannot be compiled, giving an error about an undeclared local variable "Local27". Does not happ ...
Context The property 'DefaultStartingData' in AbilitySystemComponent can be configured from blueprint to spawn default attribute sets. This happens OnRegister. For runtime spawned actors like pawns ...
See additional info URL: Decals have oddities in how depth is perceived. It seems we're sampling the left eye depth for the right eye. Decals in ISR are drawn view-by-view rather than being instance ...
It's been reported that using the rolling ball physics on a flat landscape will cause the rolling ball to bounce when it crosses a seam. It does not happen on every single seam, but it happens prett ...
Attempting to create a class with the parent set to Trigger Base, Trigger Box, Trigger Capsule, or Trigger Sphere will fail to create the class ...
In the static mesh editor, choosing the Auto Convex Collision from the Collision drop toolbar and selecting apply will immediately crash the engine. ...
Attempting to play in editor will cause the editor to crash immediately. ...
When you have an animBP with two anim slots (one of which is additive) and are playing the animations via Matinee through each slot, the additive animation takes over and the base animation doesn't ...
Even though the Format Text node does not have any execution pins it is possible to put a breakpoint on the node. NOTE: The breakpoint appears as a yellow circle and does not trigger when the code ...
A number of "stat commands" such as "stat memory" or "stat collision" are working when used but display the message "Command not recognized: stat memory" when entered. ...