FMatrix::ErrorEnsure(const TCHAR* Message) doesn't output TCHAR parameter

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 30, 2019

FMatrix::ErrorEnsure(const TCHAR* Message) doesn't output the message passed to it.  Found in 4.23 CL#9631420 Reproduced in 4.22.3 CL#7053642, 4.24.0 CL#9892386, 4.25 Main CL#9892271 ...

Actor Component's Transform Gizmos Follow The Actor Root

Tools - Dec 9, 2019

When an actor component is selected and is moving independent of it's root the transform gizmo doesn't follow the actor component. If you select the actor component and translate it the transform g ...

Material Instance Parameters Undo Doesn't Update Values

Tools - Dec 11, 2019

Material Instance parameters do not update values when the user does an Undo (Ctrl+Z). An example project is attached. This seem related to [Link Removed]. Found in 4.24 CL#10570792 Reproduced in ...

Switching AnimLayer to child AnimBP doesn't trigger inertial blending

OLD - Anim - Jun 19, 2020

At compile time, BlendOptions array which contains BlendTime setting are created. These are copied from its own interfaces, not the parent's. The blending works fine if the parent's interface is als ...

Allow the choice to implement a BP Interface function as an event OR a function

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jul 22, 2020

[Image Removed] This messaging is confusing because it says "Implement Function" when really it creates an event. We need to clear up the messaging here, or provide an option to create it as a fu ...

Material does not render correctly when launched with Cook on the fly

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Nov 8, 2021

This issue seems to occur when using Cook on the fly on a Material that is branched on the Static switch. This issue also seems to occur on the console. Regression = Yes, issue is not reproduced // ...

Last frame pose is not evaluated when playing Anim Montage with Blend Out Time of 0 in AnimNodeSlot

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Apr 26, 2022

When playing AnimMontage with BlendOutTime set to 0.f with AnimNode_Slot of AnimBP, it seems that the last frame pose may not be evaluated. this issue does not occur in high frame rate and does not ...

Auto-creation of SmartObjectCollection is often undesired

UE - AI - SmartObject - Nov 2, 2022

Right now whenever a new world is created in the editor we automatically spawn a SmartObjectCollection actor for it, regardless of whether there are SmartObjects on the map. The SmartObjectCollectio ...

Enhanced Input Action Key Remapping maps old mapping over incoming mapping in an unintuitive way

UE - Gameplay - Input - Mar 7, 2024

On EnhancedInputSubsystemInterface.cpp:1040, RebuildControlMappings has a check to preserve mappings for identical action key maps. In most cases, this appears to work correctly; however, in the cas ...

Assert triggering when trying to copy-paste an empty CurveAtlasRowParameter node in the material editor

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Mar 25, 2024

A check happens when copy/pasting a Curve Atlas Row Parameter Expression that has no value. This behavior also exists on CL 32426910 of Release-5.4. ...