In Persona, while in Local Space mode, translation arrows will not become highlighted when hovered over if they are obscured by the widget and attached static mesh, thus making them unselectable. ...
The repro case is to create a material with a texture (texture T), apply it to some object, like a basic cube. Save out this level, level A. Create a new level, and add level A as a sublevel, and sa ...
The color picker will close when selecting a new color for a Linear Color variable if the Value property is set to a value other than 0 within a Struct. This does not seem to occur with the color p ...
Rearranging the position of enumerators in an Enum BP will change references to the enumerators inside Data Tables based on position rather than value. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.9.2 binary, 4.1 ...
When you create a function containing an Add Child Actor Component node, duplicate that function, and then change the Child Actor Class option in the duplicate, the changes are also saved to the ori ...
If a macro that contains an enum and enum output is called within an event graph, the enum will show a direction mismatch error upon placing a copy of the macro into the event graph and recompiling. ...
Setting a UMG widget to be added to viewport when a volume is overlapped though code and creating a blueprint of this class causes the editor to crash when the blueprint is opened if the BP has a st ...
Renaming a variable in a parent blueprint will reset the value of that variable for any child blueprint based on the parent within the level viewport. ...
Using NewObject inside PostInitProperties and creating a BP of the class will cause the editor to crash on PIE if the BP is is set in gamemode defaults ...
Having an actor in the level with a child actor component, replacing it with another copy of itself, and deleting the copy results in a Child Actor remaining in the world outliner, which cannot be d ...