A licensee reported that packaging the build with same content (it is unclear if they were rebuilding the DDC between the runs, but it shouldn't matter) produces a different placement of code chunks ...
When static lighting is built for a landscape with "Use Material Position Offset in Static Lighting" enabled it causes an editor crash. Licensee mentioned it was likely caused by a commit for 5.4, C ...
Right clicking inside the event graph of a blueprint that is derived from PhysicsCollisionHandler will crash the editor CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...
If a macro that contains an enum and enum output is called within an event graph, the enum will show a direction mismatch error upon placing a copy of the macro into the event graph and recompiling. ...
Declaring a UPROPERTY() TArray with TFixedAllocator fails to compile. Output log states "Missing '>' in 'tarray'." Removing/commenting out the UPROPERTY() allows the project to compile correctly. ...
If a controller is plugged in before the editor is opened the viewport camera will start moving forward. If the controller is unplugged the camera will continue the controller input. Additionally, i ...
If the directional light is switched from stationary to static, the Light Source Angle Input option is disabled in the details pane. ...
Some nodes have target pins that auto-fill to target: self. However, unless a value is passed into this node from a get or other means, the blueprint will not compile. ...
When firing a projectile that has CCD activated, the first hit on an object that is either a bsp or very thin wilil draw a debug line through the object instead of drawing away from the impact point ...