Trigger Volume Blocks First-Person Template Projectile

UE - Simulation - Physics - Nov 2, 2015

When playing in editor, if you fire your weapon at a trigger volume, the projectiles will bounce off of the volume, regardless of the fact that the collision is set to Query Only. This collision als ...

Importing multiple SpeedTree assets that use the same texture will not assign correctly

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 25, 2015

When importing multiple SpeedTree assets that use the same material will cause one to import blank (black) materials and assigned. This happens when importing into the same folder, however, if impor ...

Opening the editor with -opengl4 causes the viewport camera to go black

UE - Platform - Linux - Apr 14, 2015

If the -opengl4 command is used while launching the editor it will cause the viewport to go black if something in the level is selected or while using RMB to look around the level. ...

Enumeration selections within structs do not properly populate within data tables

Tools - Dec 1, 2015

The first selection of Enums within a struct array do not properly pouplate the table within a datatable (see attached image datatableEnum1). Any other selection populates the datatable, however it ...

PreviousDesiredLoc and PreviousArmOrigin do not update with World Origin Shifting

UE - Gameplay - Sep 14, 2015

Currently, PreviousDesiredLoc and PreviousArmOrigin are not updated when the world origin is updated, which causes camera lag to snap the camera to its new position instead of smoothly transitioning ...

Access None errors creating log spam in user's project when editing BP

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 16, 2015

Access None errors creating log spam in user's project when he is editing the BP. This causes a gradual, but significant, increase in the Editor's memory usage. It appears to occur with a a refere ...

Tutorials Window appears after selecting "Don't Remind Me Again"

Docs - Feb 26, 2015

Tutorials window appears after selecting "Don't remind me again" when you right click the icon. See forum URL ...

"Failed to find object 'Class None'" in project log after creation

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 17, 2014

Users reported seeing the line "LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Class None.'" in the Output log after creating a project. I was able to confirm in a new blank code project without ...

Landscape Visibility Tool crashes editor

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Feb 20, 2015

Editor crashes when landscape visibility tool is used on landscape. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...

Can add pins to nodes during PIE

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 5, 2015

Pins can be added to blueprint nodes during read only modes, such as PIE. ...