Switch on String does not respect the Is Case Sensitive flag and will generate a compile error when there are two pins with the same name but different cases ...
Mesh's ParticleColor is not reflected in raytraced reflections Sprite Particles do not encounter this issue. ...
Using Granular Synth with Stream Cache enabled, Granular Synth will stay silent since it cannot load the sound with Stream Caching turned on. This was reported and tested in 4.25 (CL-13144385). Thi ...
It looks like there's a hook missing to unbind the cloths before destruction of the array shown in the Clothing UI. ...
Only files in UFS or NonUFS manifest that are local are returning a non-minvalue timestamp. While this is expected it is causing issues with logging file handling. See: https://udn.unrealengine.co ...
The BTTask_BlueprintBase class has a type in the tooltip for Tick Interval: " /** If any of the Tick functions is implemented, how ofter should they be ticked.Values < 0 mean 'every tick'. */" ...