Altering an array value in a structure causes the menu to collapse

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 16, 2015

When making any alteration to an array within a UDS the drop-down menu for the array collapses. Regression: Yes Works: 2689999 Broken: 2693272 ...

Attempting to open a map in content browser that is currently loaded in world composition browser crashes editor

Tools - May 12, 2015

Attempting to open a map through the content browser will crash the editor if that map is opened as a sublevel or the currently opened map through the world composition browser. Frequency: 2/2 Cr ...

Splitting transform pins on add component nodes creates an additional transform pin when duplicated

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 28, 2015

If an add component node is duplicated after the transform pin has been split, it will create an additional transform pin and keep the original split variables. ...

Crash opening projects from GitHub master branch

Tools - Sep 1, 2015

Trying to create/open projects in the current github master branch will quietly fail at 94% with no crash error or logs.UE4Editor-Core.dll!rml::internal::Block::findObjectSize() UE4Editor-Core.dll! ...

Animtation Starter Pack: Character does not animate correctly moving Forward/Left or Backward/Right

Docs - Samples - Jul 30, 2015

In the Animation Starter Pack, if you hold down W+A simultaneosly to move Forward/Left OR S+D to move Backward/Right, the character does not face the proper direction and will appear to "slide" acro ...

Morph Targets not updating when scrubbing through Matinee timeline

Tools - Apr 6, 2016

Users reporting that they cannot preview morph target animations while scrubbing through matinee. They suspect that it may be caused by this update in the release notes: "New: Optimized Matinee Act ...

Crash with FBX Import as Skeletal Mesh

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Nov 22, 2016

Using the test asset provide the editor will crash when changing the import to Skeletal Mesh. This is a regression from 4.13 where this could be imported as Skeletal Mesh without issue. In 4.14 an ...

Project will not package in UFE if folder contains spaces

UE - Platform - Console - UnrealFrontend - Feb 10, 2017

When archiving a project in the project launcher (UFE), the project will fail if there are spaces in the folder it's being archived to. ...

Draw as Border is not limited to sprite area in UMG

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Apr 14, 2017

UMG supports sprite as an image, but using this as source do not correctly cut sprite's region which limits border textures to be separated textures. If the Image has a material, size do not match ...

Switch on Gameplay Tag Container node does not compile

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 9, 2017

It looks like the Switch On Gameplay Tag Container node stopped working in 4.15. The Switch On Gameplay Tag works fine. ...