Unable to create Texture 2D Array asset in the Content Browser

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 15, 2019

The Content Browser is unable to create Texture 2D Array assets from the asset action UI. Tested in 4.24 (CL - 10091930), 4.25 (CL - 10236406) ...

Cascade sprite scales incorrectly / flickers when set Screen Alignment to Velocity

UE - Niagara - Dec 10, 2019

Very easy to reproduce. uasset file provided. Doesn't happen in 4.22.3 ...

[Feature Request] Add support for distance field shadows on Single Layer Water shading model

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Water - Aug 5, 2020

Add support for distance field shadows on Single Layer Water shading model (report of it missing in Fortnite here: https://jira.it.epicgames.net/browse/FORT-217878) ...

HLOD dialog is reporting a fatal error while trying to build HLODs

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - May 11, 2022

Does not reproduce in //UE5/Main CL 20075312 HLOD dialog is reporting a fatal error while trying to build HLODs in a level with a particular blueprint the user created. HLODs build with out the blu ...

Native variable references like GameplayAttribute cannot be searched by "Find in Blueprints" or "Asset Search"

UE - Gameplay - Jan 4, 2023

"Find in Blueprints" does not turn up results when searching a GameplayAttribute by name, even when there is a GameplayEffect blueprint that has a modifier for that GameplayAttribute. This is becau ...

Eyeball appears opaque on project launch

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 21, 2023

Runtime changing r.VT.PoolSizeScale doesn't resize virtual texture pools

UE - Rendering Architecture - Apr 21, 2023

r.VT.PoolSizeScale should be changeable at runtime so that we can resize VT physical pools for iteration on selecting pool sizes. It works correctly at engine startup but runtime changes have no ef ...

Material previews in the content browser display the default material checkerboard

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Nov 16, 2023

Occasionally material and material functions previews in the content browser are displayed with the default material checkerboard, perhaps due to shaders not being compiled. UDN users are also expe ...

Same lightmap textures are listed mutiple times in Lightmaps of WorldSettings

UE - Rendering Architecture - May 8, 2024

Same lightmap textures are listed multiple times in Lightmaps of WorldSettings. It seems that it just showes the same texture mutiple times but there is only one texture. [Image Removed] ...

UnrealFrontend does not store the last project used.

UE - Platform - Console - UnrealFrontend - Jun 12, 2024

In pasts unreal engine versions like 5.2 or 5.3, when you loaded a project with UnrealFrontend, the uproject was saved inside the Engine.ini file. In version 5.4 it does not get saved and you need t ...