This issue only occurs with Iris enabled. ...
When using the legacy fbx importer with time zero option to true the skinning is good. So its a regression. Would be awesome if it can be fix in 5.5.1 ...
Looks like the resize that does the safe zone update is done before the orientation is updated. I suggested swapping the order to licensee in the UDN ticket and it worked for him. This should be t ...
The overlap checks are used to see if we can warp back to the previous position to combine network moves to longer moves, but making sure we wouldn't put the character in penetration when rolling ba ...
Expectation: Tangent should work on Hair Material ...
When loading a non-world partitioned level into a persistent world partitioned level, parent actors with child actor components within the loaded map will move position or become invisible. Within t ...
Users with large numbers of UObjects (500k+) that are using World Partition want to enable GC actor clustering to handle streaming levels but no performance gains are realized when enabling GC clust ...
Depth of Field, with "r.DOF.Recombine.Quality = 0" will adjust the size of the depth in focus based on screen percentage. This might be related to over-fitting from the tile classification, because ...
When an object, such as a cube, is animated in sequencer and that object's path intersects a stationary character with a character movement component, the object will pass through the character with ...