Cloth painter hangs while pressing H to preview the masks

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Sep 8, 2020

The DerivedDataCache for the whole SkeletalMesh doesn't need to be rebuilt while previewing the mask painting, since it will be rebuilt when exiting the painter anyway.  ...

Standalone network profiler UI is cut off and unuseable at default DPI scale

UE - Networking - Sep 4, 2020

The network profiler C# exectuable that shipped in 4.25 is not fully useable on either my development machine or my home machine, because part of the UI is cut off below the window no matter how I r ...

RVT sample texture param ignores groups.

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 3, 2020

RVT texture sample params ignore groups and ignore existing groups. ...

ComponentInstancingData lacks support for FMapProperty

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 1, 2020

Map and set container value overrides will be lost in a cooked build for any Blueprint component that's dynamically instanced in a cooked build if the owning Actor class enables the optimized compon ...

Launching Android project to device results in Assertion Failed: AsyncLoading.cpp, Line 3710

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 31, 2020

After updating to 4.25.1 from 4.25 Packaged Android game crashes constantly with objects added to the map 4.25 Packaged game did not crash (editor did a lot but glad thats fixed in 4.25.1) Empty map ...

Get Playback Range from sequencer scripting gives tick rate frame numbers instead of display rate

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 26, 2020

Sequencer scripting will return the tick rate frame number for Get Playback Range instead of the display rate frame number. This differs from similar functions, and will result in unexpected results ...

Memory leaks at changing lighting scenarios

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Aug 26, 2020

The engine does not free the LevelRenderAssetManagers array elements in FRenderAssetStreamingManager when changing lighting scenarios. Following code can avoid this issue. void FRenderAssetStre ...

Translucent particles can no longer be selected when translucent selection is on

UE - Niagara - Aug 25, 2020

Translucent selection does not work on Niagara particles. This was working in 4.24. ...

Preview Scene - Lighting Rig Rotation rotates Environment Map and Directional Light in opposite directions

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 25, 2020

When previewing an object, manually changing the rotation using the Lighting Rig Rotation rotates Environment Map and Directional Light in opposite directions. This bug makes it difficult to do look ...

Preview Scene - Lighting angle changes between Profiles

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 25, 2020

When previewing an object, the lighting angles change between profiles; the lighting position at '0' will also change when the Lighting Rig Rotation is set to another value, then back to 0 again.  ...