CalculateLodCount tries to bound the output LOD count as at least one (count >= 1), but actually bounds it as no more than 1 (count <= 1). Just need to change a FMath::Min to FMath::Max. ...
A C++ project with the name, "GearVR", will not build. This does not occur with content-only projects named GearVR. In 4.7.6 and 4.8.2, it fails during Compiling and an error message appears: Runni ...
4.13.1 has caused an issue where the volume can no longer be adjusted for a GoogleVR application. This is a regression of functionality in 4.13.0. Tested with build: Working: 4.13.0 Binary CL-310 ...
On a Windows 8.1 Platform with an Nvidia 960 card, Lens Flares when playing with 2 Player's (without a dedicated server) are appearing in the wrong window. So, Player 1 is looking at sun, Player 2 ...
Material Parameter Collections are not successfully passing stored values into Materials when packaged for an Android Phone with an OS version of 5. Both version 4 and 6, correctly use the MPC.Test ...
In the SkeletalMeshBuilder, Nanite is generated when enabled regardless of the LOD being requested. Since the Nanite enablement parameter is set on all LODs in USkeletalMesh::BuildLODModel and LODs ...
When copy/pasting scene objects from older Unreal versions into Unreal 5.1, the editor will crash. ...
In the blueprint editor when selecting multiple components and resetting a property that exists on both components to its default value, when the components had different default values the editor r ...
Focus mode in the Editor does not handle Actors without PrimitiveComponent correctly, treating them as if they were at the origin (0,0,0), skewing the camera placement. Some Actors like the WorldDat ...
Note that before I tried running the editor via the Launch button, I just happened to run the Editor exe directly, and this did not repro then. After my PC rebooted I tried to reproduce it again an ...