Crash launching QAGame onto Windows

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 23, 2017

The editor is crashing when launching onto windows. This is not occurring in Main. ...

Crash occurs when a struct containing an instanced object property is used as the value for a TMap in a class that is subclassed in Blueprints

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 23, 2017

Using a struct containing an instanced object property as the value for a TMap results in a crash if a Blueprint of the class containing the TMap is subclassed and the child Blueprint is opened the ...

Packaging a Project With Nativize Blueprints Enabled Fails With Setter for an Array of Classes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Mar 23, 2017

Packaging failure occurs with nativize blueprints enabled when you have an array of classes and you try to set it with an array from an instance of a native C++ class. Found in 4.15.1. Reproduced i ...

Material Slot Names Get Replaced With "None" After Merge Actors Operation

Tools - Mar 23, 2017

After merging two actors the resulting merged actor's slot names will be replaced with "none". Fixing this is a very tedious process for our licensee since there usually is a large amount of slot ...

Spectator Pawn cannot be added to level by dragging into viewport

Tools - Mar 23, 2017

Spectator Pawn cannot be added to level by dragging into viewport but can be added by using place actor in the level viewport. Regression: This issue occurs in 4.13.2, 4.14.3, and 4.15.1 of the Bin ...

//UE4/Main: Step 'Compile UE4Game Win64' - ComponentVisualizers Error

UE - Audio - Mar 23, 2017

[Link Removed]ERROR: UEBuildBinary not set up for module ComponentVisualizers ...

Blueprint transformed in sequence does not update at runtime

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 22, 2017

Blueprint transformed in sequence does not update at runtime. You can see this when rendering out the first part of op_seq sequence or watching the sequence in PIE. ...

Invalid array length error launching QAGame onto HTML5

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 22, 2017

Firefox 32-bit Version 52.0.1 This error also occurs in MainRangeError: invalid array length[Learn More] 0943e4e3-83fc-4463-accc-9fd15fd7df6c:157:9 processPackageData blob:http://localhost:53501 ...

Touches on windows generate 2 mouse events.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Mar 22, 2017

The problem is that windows supplies both a touch event and a mouse event for each touch. The engine then handles touches as mouse input so that UI elements can work correctly on touch platforms. ...

Editor crash when adding elements to blueprint Set/Map

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 22, 2017

Adding multiple element to TMap / TSet variable at once with a for loop causes the editor to lock up / crash (respectively). Regression: No - Map & Set variable types not available prior to 4.15 ...