The MainMenu widget isn't loaded when the player returns to the MainMenu map from the InGame menu in Multiplayer Shootout. This happens in PIE and in a packaged project. Reproduced in 4.8.0 and Mai ...
Content in the Blueprint Templates folders for 4.7 templates (by default: C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.7\Templates) is located in a subfolder with the name of the template. The rest of the folde ...
A camera set to Orthographic projection mode with a negative Ortho Width will crash the editor on PIE. Reproduced in Main (CL-2412886) Crash Report: [Link Removed] Call Stack:<unknown module>! UE ...
Tab doesn't go to next value field in sequencer tracks (i.e. XYZ) ...
Blueprint Shape components have a Shape Material property that can be set in its Details or via Get and Set functions in the Event Graph. These are never displayed in the viewport or during runtime ...
Client Characters that slide past the Server Character while on top of a Movable Actor can become de-synchronized from their Server counterpart. Does not occur on top of Static Actors. Hard to expl ...
Android Build will fail if there is a hyphen in the Android Package Name. The user points out that this may be because of how Java works. I have attached my build failed logs. ...
Replicated properties defined in an actor component blueprint are not being replicated because UActorComponent::GetLifetimeReplicatedProps isn't adding the blueprint properties to the OutLifetimePro ...
The joystick on a game controller input will take focus away from what you're working on if the joystick is moved or set in an odd position. ...
If user has HOME env var, Html5 packaging creates .emscripten folder within the location specified by HOME, not the expected intermediate location(like C:\Program Files\Epic Games\4.13\Engine\Interm ...