Material PDO Usage Incorrectly Checked

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 6, 2017

Seems when an expression output is swizzled (Typically via component mask) we lose the ability to track if the value is constant. This causes the IsPropertyUsed check to fail, potentially falsely ac ...

Skeletal meshes are not simulating physics

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 6, 2017

Skeletal meshes do not simulate physics when playing in viewport. They are not affected by gravity, nor do they ragdoll. This doesn't occur in UE4/Main. This occurs with Immediate Mode Physics of ...

Errors when compiling editor on Mac

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Feb 6, 2017

The following error appears multiple times when compiling the editor on Mac:Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "NvClothDestroyFactory(nv::cloth::Factory*)", referenced from: FC ...

Crash launching the editor on Mac

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 6, 2017

Crash occurs launching the editor on Mac. ...

Editor locks up when adding an element for HTML5 devices on Mac

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 6, 2017

The editor will freeze when adding an element inside of the HTML5 Devices section of Project Settings. When the editor is relaunched, the element that was attempted to be added will be present in ...

Modulated Self Shadowing can not be disabled for Static Meshes

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 6, 2017

Modulated Self Shadow is only ever disabled and enabled for Skeletal Meshes and does not have any effect on Static Meshes. You can use the command r.Shadow.EnableModulatedSelfShadow 1 to enable self ...

Need to enable GearVR on Win64 platforms

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 4, 2017

Movie playback not keeping texture filtering settings when switching contexts

UE - Platform - Mobile - Feb 3, 2017

Appears some Android OpenGL drivers are not preserving the texture filtering when changing render contexts. Added saving and restoring it in context cases. ...

Cascade Crashes Engine When Adding Particle LOD After Clearing LOD Settings

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 3, 2017

In cascade if you add particle LODs then remove, clear the LOD settings array, then attempt to add more LODs (after current) the editor will crash. This crash will only occur if you add LODs after c ...

Crash When Two PostProcess Volumes Are Selected Simultaneously

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 3, 2017

Once you add two postprocess volumes (one to the persistent level and one to a sublevel) then add a blendable element to each, and then try to select both a crash will occur. ...