Crash trying to delete an actor after undo/redo adding a component

Tools - Feb 1, 2017

Not a regression as it occurs in 4.14.3 ...

Overlap Events Stop Firing When Actor is Moved to a Different Level

UE - Gameplay - Feb 1, 2017

Overlap events, such as OnComponentBeginOverlap seem to stop working when the actor is moved to a sub level. This does not occur if the object is deleted and then replaced in the level. ...

Struct Tree invalidates outermost Struct when inner Struct changes values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 1, 2017

Adding elements to an array within a struct that lives inside another struct corrupts the outermost struct and every blueprint that had used it. This may be related or the same as [Link Removed] ...

Cable actor does not render correctly in viewport on Mac

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 1, 2017

The Cable actors render correctly in PIE and Standalone game. This does not occur on Windows Also occurs in 4.14.3 so not a regression ...

EDL errors trying to load audio assets in a cross compiled package of Infiltrator Demo

UE - Audio - Feb 1, 2017

Here's an example of the errors I'm seeing:LogSerialization:Error: Attempt to sync load bulk data with EDL enabled (LoadDataIntoMemory). This is not desireable. File ../../../InfiltratorDemo/Content ...

Make warning about using collision and 'components space' in RigidBody node more visible

UE - Simulation - Physics - Feb 1, 2017

In the RigidBody anim node, if the user enables collision while Component Space Simulation is enabled, there will be warnings in the output log saying:Warning Trying to use world collision with comp ...

Changing Static Mesh for a mesh with overridden materials should NOT reset materials

Tools - Feb 1, 2017

Sometime recently, the behavior of changing a static mesh changed. A very common operation is to want to change a mesh, while keeping material override. Here I have a sky mesh, and the material is ...

Crash in Skeletal Editor due to null ActorFactory reference

OLD - Anim - Feb 1, 2017

When a material is dragged/dropped into a skeletal editor's bone hierarchy, the editor will crash due to null ActorFactory Regression: Yes - Crash does not occur in 4.13.2 binary (CL 3172292) ...

If Import animation is not enabled then morph targets will not be imported even if the model has them.

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Feb 1, 2017

Importing an asset with morph targets enabled, but with import animation disabled does not import morph targets. Note: if you open the asset and press re import the asset's blend shapes will reimpo ...

Clicking reimport on a skeletal mesh crashes the editor - UE4Editor_Engine!USkeleton::GetSmartNameContainer() [skeleton.cpp:1410]

Information about this goes here....Reimported Skeletal Mesh FBX 2016/2017 in preview window. Didn't crash outside of preview in the standard content browser context menu. ...