Distance Fields no longer work with instances when PIE/Simulate

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 20, 2015

When using distance fields with instance meshes from the foliage tool everything works correctly, however, when simulating or PIE the distance fields will be removed. This working correctly in 4.7.5 ...

Editor movement control regression

Tools - Jul 8, 2015

Using Ctrl+Drag in 4.8 will not affect the location of selected actor if the viewport camera is facing away from selected actor. In 4.7.6 the actor would travel along the X axis even if the camera ...

Game sounds only play during first PIE editor session for Linux project

UE - Platform - Linux - May 11, 2015

Games sounds will play as appropriate during first PIE session but subsequent PIE sessions have no sound until editor is closed / reopened. ...

Get Ping in ms returns 9999 in a packaged game when tested on systems not on the same network

UE - Networking - Feb 25, 2016

Get Ping in ms returns 9999 in a packaged game when tested on systems not on the same network. This does not prevent Client connection to the Server. Note: my understanding is this would be caused ...

Joining a session in PIE with Auto Connect To Server disabled will crash PIE

UE - Networking - Nov 11, 2015

Joining a session in PIE with Auto Connect To Server disabled will crash PIE. Note: this is not specific to the Multiplayer Shootout project used in the repro steps; this will occur in any project ...

Confusion over what assets are saved in Persona with the Toolbar button

OLD - Anim - Jun 24, 2015

Some users appear confused as to why the skeleton is not saved when they add sockets while in Animation Editing Mode. Unsure what an elegant solution would be at this time. ...

The Default Value for a Timespan variable resets whenever its Blueprint is compiled

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 30, 2014

The Default Value for a Timespan variable resets to 00:00:00.000 whenever its Blueprint is compiled. ...

Skeletal mesh jerks backwards when moving capsule component back to skeletal mesh with physics enabled

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 27, 2015

If a skeletal mesh utilizing a capsule component has physics enabled to ragdoll, when the capsule is moved back to the mesh the mesh will jerk backwards towards the capsule briefly. ...

Imported tiled landscapes into World Composition Browser have seams between landscape tiles

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 19, 2015

Landscape seams appear between world composition browser imported heightmap tiles. Workaround: Run over seam with smoothing tool set to strength 0.0 ...

Get Data Table Row cannot accept non-literal Data Table input information

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 16, 2015

Get Data Table Row node cannot accept non-literal input in the "Data Table" input. Additionally, this cannot be promoted to a variable. ...