Removing a key from a Enum Map variable causes duplicate keys to remain. It doesn't seem to happen if the removed key is the first and last key, but only with the middle keys. For example: A (Remo ...
PhAT is inconsistent on when it does and doesn't apply scale to Constraint positions. This leads to cases where the positions provided create constraints that may not work when the Preview Skeletal ...
Attempting to pass a TMap or TSet into a UFUNCTION as a parameter causes a compilation error. Removing the UFUNCTION declaration works. Error messages:2>D:\Unreal Projects\Main\MyProject14\Source\M ...
Blueprint becomes dirty after play with Key get display name is in the script. This issue occurs even in setups where that specific node in the event graph, not necessarily attached to anything. The ...
In 4.15 When you update the transform of an instance static mesh a second time the editor does not update the location, to get the update to display correctly you must close and re-open the blueprin ...
Using Execute Console Command nodes to record and play back a demo is causing a crash in standalone. Using the console commands themselves does not seem to cause the same crash to occur. ...
Per ...
When using an older asset(4.10 or before) with a skeletalMeshComponent in a newer engine version, a reference for the original AnimBP remains after changing the mesh component's Anim Class. ...
Collision Responses will reset to previous setting after changing the Preset Collision Profile. After the change is made and "Accept" is pressed, the Collision Responses will still have the old ch ...