Streaming Bounds Advanced Show Flag is not working as expected

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 11, 2017

The stairs should have radius around each stair (StreamingBoundsExpected attachment). Instead there are no visible changes when the flag is checked (StreamingBoundsResults) This is Not a regression ...

Ensure occurs when turning on Constraints in Advanced Show Flags

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 11, 2017

An ensure occurs when Constraints are toggled on in the show options. Note After the ensure, you can toggle Constraints off and on freely This is a Regression from 4.14.3 ...

Ensure encountered when using the Copy/Paste sub-tool in sculpt mode

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jan 11, 2017

The following ensure was encountered in the output log:UE4Editor_Engine!FPrimitiveSceneProxy::VerifyUsedMaterial() primitivesceneproxy.cpp:598 UE4Editor_Engine!FMeshElementCollector::AddMesh() sce ...

Joystick is missing from projects on certain iOS devices

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 11, 2017

The Flying template is not displaying joysticks when deployed to iOS. Issue does not occur in: 4.14.3 - 3251583 Phones tested that have not experienced the issue: iPhone 6S_6240 ...

Vectorized and Non-Vectorized FTransform Accumulate are inconsistent with Blendweights

UE - Foundation - Core - Jan 11, 2017

The vectorized version of FTransform::Accumulate and FTransform::AccumulateWithAdditiveScale3D only blend the rotation, but not the translation or scale. This is divergent behavior from the non-vec ...

Lighting needs to be rebuilt in Advanced_Lighting map of starter content

Docs - Samples - Jan 11, 2017

Lighting needs to be rebuilt in Advanced_Lighting starter content map ...

LogRenderer errors produced when using the restore button in viewport

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 11, 2017

When using the restore button to obtain orthographic views of the scene the output log spits out several errors:LogRenderer:Error: No Color LUT texture to sample: output will be invalid. LogRendere ...

Compile failure adding C++ Vehicle or VehicleAdvanced pack to a project

UE - Gameplay - Jan 11, 2017

Adding the C++ Vehicle feature pack to a project fails to compile with the following error:CompilerResultsLog: Info Error: Couldn't find parent type for 'TP_VehiclePawn' named 'AWheeledVehicle' in c ...

Crash enabling Async Scene and opening level in editor

UE - Gameplay - Jan 11, 2017

This is a regression from 4.14.3 at CL 3251583 ...

Lighting data wiped if sub level is hidden while rebuilding lighting for visible levels

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 11, 2017

When building lighting now you can no longer have a hidden sub level and have it retain it's built light if it was previously built. For instance, if you have a persistent level and hide the sub-lev ...