'Wait for Movies to Complete' flag is Reversed in Packaged and Standalone Game

Tools - Jan 20, 2017

The 'Wait for Movies to Complete' flag has had its behavior reversed. Previously when you had the flag set to true, it would wait for any intro movies to complete before loading the level. Now it se ...

Material With Hair Shading Model Draws On Top Of SSAO

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 6, 2017

The Hair shader no longer allows ScreenSpace AO on areas of the screen it occupies. While in the Ambient Occlusion Visualizer it appears that the material draws on top of the SSAO. REGRESSION? Yes ...

Crash when changing multiple Landscape Blend Layer nodes from Weight blend to Height blend

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Mar 13, 2017

A crash occurs when setting the Blend Type for multiple Landscape Layer Blend nodes from Weight Blend to Height Blend. ...

Opening the color picker causes values to change

Tools - Sep 18, 2017

Opening the Color Picker for some color variables causes them to change each time the color picker is opened. Tested with: Light Color and the Albedo variable on ExponentialHeightFog Does NOT occur ...

Point lights with source length building static lighting in incorrect direction

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 21, 2018

There is an issue where Point lights with source length building static lighting in the incorrect direction, the axis in which the light to be built seem to conflict with the preview build. This iss ...

SpawnActor: Actor with StaticMeshActor native parent class spawns with offset when NOT using locally stored transform

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 9, 2018

An Actor with a StaticMeshActor native parent class will spawn with offset when NOT using locally stored transform. Removing collision from StaticMesh has no effect. Changing Collision Handling Ov ...

Progress Percent is removed from UMG Progress Bar when Transform Shear value is changed

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 8, 2018

Modifying the Shear values on a Progress Bar in a Widget Blueprint cause it to lose its Fill Color and set Progress. This is a regression from 4.20.3 (CL-4369336). Reproes with -vulkan on both Linux ...

Dragging & Dropping Asset from Content Browser -> Blueprint Node has wrong Drag/Drop Icon

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jan 14, 2019

This appears to be an issue with all asset types, not specific to materials. Data Tables, Level Sequences, etc. Image shows the "No" cursor that shows up when attempting the drag/drop. This should ...

Ribbon particles moving fast are inconsistent in initial position.

UE - Niagara - May 21, 2019

The fast-moving ribbon particle trail looks different on the server and client. It looks as though the client was drawing the previous frame. ...

Ray Traced Reflections Get Darker The Higher The Rougness Value is for Metallic Materials

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Jun 11, 2019

Instead of reflecting an average color of the surrounding, reflections become black with increased roughness values. Found in 4.22 CL# 6574378 and 4.23 CL# 6925347 ...