LOD materials are wrong for multiple tree static meshes in Kitedemo

Docs - Samples - Nov 10, 2016

A lot of the tree meshes become big and blocky at the furthest LOD level. This causes them to look odd when they are far away in the distance. This is a regression from 4.13.2 ...

Ease node not considered Pure function but has no exec pins

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Nov 10, 2016

Ease node not considered Pure function but has no exec pins. This causes a warning to appear within the compiler results as seen in the attached image. Regression (yes) issue (does not) occur in 4 ...

Fbx scene re-import is not marking as dirty new asset

Tools - Nov 10, 2016

Make sure all created and modified asset in a re-import are mark dirty. Creating a collision mesh was dirtying the asset, this is why the bug is only when we are not generating collision mesh. ...

Compile fails when attempting to launch on to Windows with Raw Input plugin enabled

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 9, 2016

Compile fails when the user attempts to launch on to Windows with the Raw Input plugin enabled. Error:LogPlayLevel: xgConsole: Module.RawInput.cpp LogPlayLevel: xgConsole: d:\framework\engine\plug ...

Undo in Skeletal Mesh Editor causes model to disappear

UE - Gameplay - Nov 9, 2016

I can across this issue when I was Ad Hocing and wanted to pose a skeletal mesh in a certain way. I imported one into my project and moved a bone, then undo and it was gone. I wanted to check if it ...

Sequencer losing bindings when undoing assign actor action

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 9, 2016

Noticing that when I undo assigning an actor it no longer plays back the previously assigned actor. ...

Cable Component unable to convert to static mesh notification

UE - Gameplay - Nov 9, 2016

While Ad Hoc the new features for 4.14, I was testing the feature of converting actors to static meshes. I attempting to convert the cable into a static mesh and I went through the windows and noth ...

Sequence onStop does not appear to fire off in a packaged project

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Nov 9, 2016

Sequence onStop does not appear to fire off in a packaged project. The functionality appears to be present in the editor, however this does not appear to be the case after packaging. ...

Normal tangents aren't recalculated on skeletal meshes with bone transforms when recompute tangent is enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 9, 2016

Enabling recompute tangents on a skeletal mesh does not recompute tangent normals for translated parts of the skelmesh. If you addr.SkinCache.CompileShaders=1r.SkinCache.Mode=1r.SkinCache.Recompute ...