Crash playing a HapticFeedbackEffect_Soundwave with no sound assigned

UE - Platform - XR - Sep 13, 2016

Crash attempting to use a HapticFeedbackEffect_SoundWave with no sound set on it (i.e. a newly created one.) Found on: 4.13.1 Binary CL-3120228 //UE4/Release-4.13 CL-3123398 Similar to [Link Remo ...

Undo in sound cue editor does not undo looping changes.

UE - Audio - Sep 13, 2016

When using undo in the Sound Cue Editor to undo the looping check the editor switches focus to the output node and does not undo the looping check. ...

ResavePackages commandlet with Build Lighting applies level transform each time

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Sep 13, 2016

While using the commandlet for RebuildPackages with -BuildLighting and having any sub-levels with level transforms will be added to the current position each time this commandlet is run. As an exa ...

Packaged game crashes with empty callstack when exiting game through steam VR overlay

UE - Platform - XR - Sep 13, 2016

Packaged game crashes with empty callstack when exiting game through steam VR overlay. The application is exited but is fallowed up with a crash ...

Setting FActorSpawnParameters::bRemoteOwned causes inconsistent behavior when spawning actors

UE - Gameplay - Sep 13, 2016

If FActorSpawnParameters::bRemoteOwned is set to true, calling SpawnActor with this spawn param on begin play has different behavior than calling the SpawnActor elsewhere during runtime. If using n ...

Depreciated nodes in Custom Functions do not show in warning log

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 13, 2016

Depreciated nodes in Custom Functions do not show in warning log ...

LineTraceComponent incorrectly derives HitLocation from Procedural Mesh Components

UE - Gameplay - Sep 13, 2016

LineTraceComponents do not return the correct HItLocation from Procedural Mesh Components. ...

Slate Remote Enable Remove Server option in Project Settings -> Plugins causes editor to freeze and a memory leak

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Plugin System - Sep 13, 2016

If a user enables Remove Server in Slate Remote plugin in project settings, the editor will become unresponsive and memory usage will continually climb. Regression: Working in 3039270 (4.12.5 rele ...

T_Wood_Pine_D Asset has Offset Alpha Channel

Docs - Samples - Sep 12, 2016

The alpha channel seems to be offset in the x and y by 1024 pixels this has been fixed and attached for analysis. ...

User cannot undo the automatic changing of Mobility settings

Tools - Sep 12, 2016

When the users causes a component to automatically change its Mobility setting by changing that setting on a parent or child component, undoing that change only affects the manual change caused by t ...