Make sure games can ship with VS2015 without needing extra redists

Tools - Jul 28, 2016

VS2015 redists are not part of our standard redist install (because their update prereqs on Windows 7 and 8 make them virtually impossible to package in), so applocal install is required. ...

Some post processing features in Preview Scene Settings do not update immediately

UE - Gameplay - Jul 28, 2016

In Persona or the Static Mesh Editor, some post processing features do not update immediately when the user changes them. This was seen with Color Grading and Lens Flare settings. It could affect ...

Packaging with Nativize Blueprint Assets Causes Uninitialized Defaults

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Jul 28, 2016

If you use "Set Array Elem" on a vector array but leave "Item" at the default value of (0,0,0) then you'll end up using a temporary uninitialised vector instead of (0,0,0) when it's nativized. Work ...

RadialForceComponent ignores collision of Object Type set in Collision Presets if component is initialized in C++

UE - Gameplay - Jul 28, 2016

When a RadialForceComponent is attached to a object in C++, it doesn't take on the "Object Types to Affect" in the component settings of the Blueprint. If the RadialForceComponent is created as a co ...

Sequencer frame by frame playback is blurry and distorted

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 28, 2016

When navigating through frames of a Sequence, the scenes become very blurry and distorted after the initial scrub through all of the frames. ...

Crash closing editor with blueprint thumbnails visible in Content Browser

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Jul 28, 2016

Crash occurs when the user closes the editor while there are blueprint thumbnails visible in the Content Browser. This seems to only occur if the editor was opened with blueprint thumbnails also vi ...

Crash when opening a level with skeletal mesh asset from the map copied to the clipboard

UE - Foundation - Core - Jul 28, 2016

Navigating to a level with a skeletal mesh asset from that level copied to the clipbard from the world outliner will cause the editor to crash. This can currently only be reproduced in the TM-Contac ...

Ensure occurs when pasting a Custom Event and its Function into another Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 28, 2016

Hit this ensure while looking into another issue for Sam. ...

Editor crashes when selecting compile after copying a Custom event to another blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 28, 2016

User will hit an ensure first when pasting a copied custom event, and will crash after compiling. ...

Editor crash when trying to launch on an Android target device from a Mac native platform

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 28, 2016

The one time it did not instantly crash after pressing the Launch button, I had to Kill -9 <PID> UE4Editor because it was using 129% of my CPU for 50 minutes. ...