Generating XCode project from .uproject fails

UE - Platform - Apple - Jun 10, 2016

Using the option Services->Generate XCode Project fails to update the XCode solutuion. This prevents source files added to the project from the directory to show up in the editor. Regression: No - ...

CrashReporter Client has no options to close without sending

UE - Foundation - Core - CrashReportClient - Jun 9, 2016

The options to close the CrashReporter window without submitting the crash report are no longer available. I suspect this was an intentional change for Paragon ([Link Removed]), however this is not ...

Material Compile Error [SM5]

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 8, 2016

There is an material compile error when using a TexCoord node shared between two Texture samples. The user provided a number of ways to work around the issue, but this issue becomes more problemati ...

If a HUD blueprint and a UMG blueprint share a material. The material will not show up in Standalone

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 8, 2016

If a HUD blueprint and a UMG blueprint share a material. The material will not show up in Standalone Note: Sample project is attached ...

Create Comment from Selection Option Not Working in Behavior Tree

Tools - Jun 8, 2016

In a behavior tree, while having multiple nodes selected, using the Create Comment from Selection option does not create a comment box as expected. Found in 4.12.1 binary. Reproduced in 4.11.2 bina ...

Crash When Copying Comment Box from a Blueprint to a Behavior Tree

UE - AI - Jun 8, 2016

The editor crashes when pasting a comment box from a blueprint into a behavior tree. Found in 4.12.1 binary. Reproduced in 4.11.2 binary and Main CL 3005971 Source Context94 95 fo ...

Widget stops updating during drag and drop operation after dragging

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 8, 2016

Widget stops updating during drag and drop operation after dragging, if the user is using set text. ...

Tracks don't reset to default actor state when "Active" is disabled

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 8, 2016

Tracks don't reset to default actor state when "Active" is disabled Tags: inactive Sequencer ...

Undoing alteration of a local variable's default value does not actually undo the alteration

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 7, 2016

Undoing the alteration of a local variable's default value causes the Undo toast to appear but the alteration is not actually undone. Regression: No ...

Components derived from scene component reset vector location upon closing and re-opening editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 7, 2016

Components derived from scene component reset vector location upon closing and re-opening editor. This does not happen to scene components or other child components within a blueprint. Regression ...