Launched game without editor hangs if 'demoplay test' is used with the 'Execute Console Command' node

UE - Networking - Apr 15, 2016

Launched game without editor hangs if 'demoplay test' is used with the 'Execute Console Command' node Could be related to this JIRA: User Description: ...

FKConvex::ElemCalcAABB ignoring current transform.

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 15, 2016

FKConvexElem::CalcAABB was ignoring the elements currently defined transform, and only scaling. This means that any actor that has a transform (not just Merge Actors) could potentially have very dis ...

Custom lighting channels ignored when object culled in stereoscopic

UE - Platform - XR - Apr 14, 2016

When a light that uses lighting channels is only visible in one view during stereoscopic rendering, it affects the default light channel instead of the assigned one in the view that it's not visible ...

Start time of subtitle gets incorrectly modified at runtime

Tools - Apr 14, 2016

The time field of a subtitle is incremented incorrectly at runtime. This is caused by the wrong array being modified by the subtitle manager when queuing subtitles. A fix is provided by the licensee ...

Physics Constraint angular visualization are missing in 4.11

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 14, 2016

Physics Constraint angular visualization are missing in 4.11 This is a regression User Description: Since 4.11 angular constraints of the physics constant are not shown in the viewport. In 4.10 ...

Cones for angular constraints not visible is Separate Translucency is disabled

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 14, 2016

A user reported an issue where the cones that represent angular constraints in the PHAT editor are not rendered if Separate Translucency is disabled. This may be related to another issue with Separa ...

Bugs with Material Instances and Landscape Grass

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Apr 14, 2016

Need to fix the Bug: Parameters that linked to LandscapeGrassOutput in master material instance do not updates automaticaly in viewport. After parameters change you are have to modify any of your us ...

Exporting and Reimporting static mesh created from BSP brush crashes editor

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Apr 12, 2016

Editor crashes if a bsp brush is turned into a static mesh, then that static mesh is exported from the editor and reimported. Frequency: 3/3 Crashreporter: [Link Removed] Regression? (Yes), issu ...

.wav files with max concurrency count data outside proper range will crash editor when played

UE - Audio - Apr 12, 2016

Editor crashes if a set of sound files provided by a user is played. This occurs in any project that the asset is migrated to. Frequency: 5/5 NOTE If the asset is exported outside of the editor ...

Sounds not Playing for 2nd Player Client when running in Local Multiplayer Splitscreen Mode

UE - Audio - Apr 12, 2016

When playing in editor with splitscreen multiplayer enabled, player 2 is unable to hear sounds within his client window. This is tied to splitscreen and does not behave this way when two unique edi ...