Set Boolean (by ref) crashes the editor on compile

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 15, 2016

Update 4/6/2016 This appears to occur with other Set by ref nodes as well. Tested and received crash with Integer as well. ======================================================================== ...

Matinee Capture Movie is rendering distorted when aspect ratio is set to 2:1

Tools - Mar 15, 2016

Matinee Movie Captures are rendering with distortion both video captures and Image Sequences when the aspect ratio is set to 2:1. [Image Removed] ...

TUnion copy constructor causes the editor to assert due to Unrecognized TUnion subtype

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 15, 2016

The TUnion copy constructor causes the editor to toss an assert due to it claiming that the passed in TUnion is of an Unrecognized TUnion subtype. ...

On Mac, Filters and View Menus not Present in the Class Viewer Window

UE - Platform - Apple - Mar 15, 2016

On the Mac, the menu bar should update to include Filters and View menus whenever the Class Viewer window is active just as it updated, for example, when the blueprint editor is active. *See attach ...

Message box cannot be closed after accessing the home screen on iOS

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 15, 2016

Returning to home screen with message box displayed prevents the message box from being closed upon returning to the game ...

Nested comments are not parsed correctly by UHT when a second UClass is declared

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - UnrealHeaderTool - Mar 14, 2016

Using nested comments when also declaring a second UClass in the same header file causes the UHT to have issues when parsing, resulting in a crash of UHT. ...

PhysX crash when SetMaterial is called

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 14, 2016

When provided sample project is run in PIE, crash occurs after call to SetMaterial() is made in code. Downloadable Project: [Link Removed] CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...

Incorrect position after undoing replace actors

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 14, 2016

In some cases after undoing a replace actors the position of a BP actor is incorrect. Not a regression from 4.10.4 CL-2872498 ...

Mouse is not captured when switching between clients when running PIE

Tools - Mar 14, 2016

If the user launches multiple clients with PIE, the mouse will only be captured by the last client launched. If the user Alt+tabs to another window than the mouse will not get captured and they will ...

Component Reference of Placed Instance does not Update after Removing the Component in Code.

UE - Gameplay - Mar 14, 2016

After creating a component in code and placing an instance of the code class/blueprint into the level, the component will still show as inherited if the component is removed from code. EDIT: Includ ...