Need to UpdateOverlaps for components that move as a result of skeletal animation (on the server).

OLD - Anim - Dec 9, 2015 Attach a trigger shape to a character's hand or something, make it animate (without moving otherwise) ...

Actors in sublevels do not replicate to Clients after Seamless ServerTravel

UE - Networking - Dec 9, 2015

Actors in sublevels do not replicate to Clients after Seamless ServerTravel. The user reporting this noted that "[...] UNetDriver::IsLevelInitializedForActor() keeps returning false even when the ac ...

Editor Crashes When Setting Location of Scene Component BP to World

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 9, 2015

In an actor blueprint with a scene component blueprint as its root, if you add a child object to the scene component blueprint, and then go into the scene component blueprint and set the location to ...

Message Log not updating Categories in Real-Time

Tools - Dec 9, 2015

When importing an FBX with a known FBX import issue and the Message Log already open, the FBX Import error will appear but the FBX Import Category which is not present upon opening the Message Log w ...

A Client connected to a Server that then destroys the session and rejoins will be disconnected after a short time

UE - Networking - Dec 8, 2015

A Client connected to a Server that then destroys the session and rejoins will be disconnected after a short time. Unable to reproduce in a new project, however this has been reported multiple times ...

Skeletal Meshes with Physics assets with less than 5 bodies will not use flag for Start Awake

UE - Simulation - Physics - Dec 8, 2015

When using a Physics Asset with 4 or less physics bodies the flag for Start Awake cannot be disabled, even if unchecked, when Simulate Physics is set to true. I've attached a project with assets f ...

Setting an interface variable on spawn for widgets does not appear to be working

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 8, 2015

If the user has an interface variable that is exposed on spawn in their widget they will not be able to set this variable via the exposed pin for the create widget node. ...

Editor hangs after selecting submit to source control from drop-down

Tools - Dec 7, 2015

The editor becomes unresponsive as the log becomes filled with Perforce logging ...

When using the draw text node On paint setting the position appears to have no effect

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 7, 2015

If the user uses the on paint function in combination with the draw text node then the text appears to only at the position 0,0 regardless of what position is specified. ...

Tappy Chicken in 4.10 via Github has asset dependency issues which halt packaging

Docs - Samples - Dec 7, 2015

Tappy Chicken when downloaded as a 4.10 project and opened in a Github version of the engine, the TappyAutomated Map has "externally referenced" assets which cause the engine to be unable to packag ...