Apex Cloth will not render correctly with cloth assigned to multiple materials

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Nov 12, 2015

Apex cloth material assigned to multiple material elements will not render correctly in Persona or when PIE/Simulate in the editor. Any material element other than element 0 will be masked/invisible ...

IgnoreMoveInput functions should move up from PlayerController to Controller

UE - Gameplay - Input - Nov 12, 2015

Licensee suggests moving this up from APlayerController to AController, I think this makes sense. Minimal refactoring is necessary, and will remove confusion/potential bugs from people thinking it s ...

Actor created with same name as existing/destroyed actor is missing native subobjects

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 12, 2015

When spawning a pawn that has a PawnMovementComponent attached and destroying the pawn, if a pawn with the same name is re-created it will be missing the PawnMovementComponent. ...

Adding a New Blackboard Key While Searching for a Blackboard Key Causes the Editor to Crash

UE - AI - Nov 12, 2015

When you use the search bar located under the New Key button in a Blackboard asset, if you attempt to press New Key while you have text in the search field, the editor will crash after you select th ...

Context sensitive actor list retrieves temp folder data in blueprints while using source control

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Nov 12, 2015

If a project uses source control and a blueprint has been diffed against previous revisions, the revisions will appear within the temp folder. This temp folders contents appear in context sensitive ...

Upgrading Project to a New Engine Version Causes Errors When Attempting to Open Tutorial Blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Nov 11, 2015

When you create a project in version 4.8.3, and update it to either 4.10 or Main, there seem to be issues loading the Engine Content Tutorials for FeaturePacks, InstallingiTunesTutorial, and Setting ...

Joining a session in PIE with Auto Connect To Server disabled will crash PIE

UE - Networking - Nov 11, 2015

Joining a session in PIE with Auto Connect To Server disabled will crash PIE. Note: this is not specific to the Multiplayer Shootout project used in the repro steps; this will occur in any project ...

Attempting to Open a Widget Blueprint With Animation and Timeline Panels Hidden Causes the Editor to Crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 11, 2015

When you attempt to open a widget blueprint when you have hidden the animation and timeline panels, the editor will crash. There is a workaround: Window->Reset Layout will allow you to open the blu ...

"Snap to Target, Keep World Scale" when attaching doesn't work properly if parent is scaled.

UE - Gameplay - Nov 11, 2015

See UDN thread, which includes suggested fix. https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/267677/attachactortocomponent-scale-issue-with-scaled-com.html ...

GenerateKDopAsSimpleCollision() clamps vertices that are close to the origin which results in inaccurate primitives

UE - Gameplay - Nov 10, 2015

When DOP simplified collision is generated for a mesh that has vertices that are close to the origin, part of the function till clamp any values between -0.5 and 0.5 to be 0.5 which will cause the r ...