Crash on play when AIPerception Senses Config element is set to "sense config" options

UE - AI - Sep 18, 2015

Setting AIPerception component Senses Config to AI Damage / AI Prediction / AI Team sense config will cause the editor to crash on Play. This may be related to [Link Removed] Crash Reporter [Link ...

Calling RequestStimuliListenerUpdate on actor with one element in AIPerception Sensing Config causes crash

UE - AI - Sep 18, 2015

If an AIPerception component is added to an actor and given one element set to either AI Hearing / AI Sight / AI Touch config then the game will crash once Request Stimuli Listener Update is called ...

Touch events may have wrong location from BindTouch delegate

UE - Platform - Mobile - Sep 17, 2015

Only the last touch event's location in the frame is used to send all events for a given finger index. A finder index may be reassigned after a release by another press in the same frame from a ver ...

Graphical Artifacts in Editor with Macs using Certain AMD Graphics Cards

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 17, 2015

Users are reporting black and splotchy like graphical issues in their projects when working on a Mac and using an AMD graphics card. The user in the link provided mentions, "that UE 4.8.3 is withou ...

Add ENGINE_API to UDirectionalLightComponent

UE - Gameplay - Sep 17, 2015

As per forum post all other light component clases (PointLightComponent, SpotLightComponent etc) all have ENGINE_API but DirectionLightComponent does not. If only for consistency it should but also ...

Converting a landscape to blueprint crashes editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 17, 2015

Converting a landscape to a blueprint immediately crashes the editor. Frequency: 2/2 ...

Cannot click the create new project button on a monitor with 1366 x 768 resolution

Tools - Sep 17, 2015

If a user has a 1366 by 768 monitor resolution and uses the File > Create New project option, then the user will not be able to click the green button at the bottom of the window that actually allow ...

Struct that is referencing a Custom bp Class will reset to default values on editor restart

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 16, 2015

Struct that is referencing a Custom bp Class will reset to default values on editor restart User Description: Making a array of object types in a struct. the goal is to have a struct containing wa ...

Altering an array value in a structure causes the menu to collapse

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 16, 2015

When making any alteration to an array within a UDS the drop-down menu for the array collapses. Regression: Yes Works: 2689999 Broken: 2693272 ...

Misspelling in Editor Preferences: Experimental

Tools - Sep 16, 2015

UE4.9.1 under Editor Preference3s ->Experimental -> Cooking it says "Iterative cooking for builds launched [form] the editor." Correction: [from] ...