Changes to Landscape Thickness not propegated to PhysX

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jun 3, 2015

In 4.8 preview 4, it appears that changes made to a landscape actor's CollisionThickness property in the editor are not being replicated in physX [...] It appears that what happens is that the engin ...

Arrays chosen through a Select node cannot be altered

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 3, 2015

Arrays chosen through a Select node cannot be altered. Note - This is also reproducible using any of these nodes instead of using 'Add':Add UniqueSet Array ElemInsert ...

Vertex Animation anti-aliasing improvement

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 2, 2015

A licensee has reported that their vertex animations are leaving a lot of be desired with anti-aliasing. Specifically using vertex animated meshes can leave aliasing remnants behind while it's shift ...

Adding to Struct causes 'Inappropriate Outermost' warnings

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 2, 2015

Adding to Struct causes 'Inappropriate Outermost' warnings to be spammed to the Output Log ...

Teleporting to the World Location of a Scene Component in a packaged game will crash the game

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 1, 2015

Teleporting to the World Location of a Scene Component in a packaged game will crash the game. Teleporting to the Actor Location does not cause this crash. Crash log attached. Nothing is showing up ...

Pasting variable nodes into a BP without those variables, should add them to the BP on paste.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 1, 2015

If nodes are copy/pasted from a project in 4.7 to a project in 4.8, various nodes will not copy over and must be remade in the 4.8 blueprint. ...

Changing the Pin Type on the 'Select' node can cause errors with pins that have been split

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 1, 2015

Changing the Pin Type on the 'Select' node can cause errors with pins that have been split. ...

Destroy Component node does not work on decals

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 1, 2015

Destroy Component node does not destroy decals when called. ...

Render Target as Material Image in UMG is Clipped when setting Fullscreen in Standalone (Alt+Enter)

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 1, 2015

Render Target Material is clipped as an Image within UMG when attempting to set to fullscreen while playing in Standalone mode. The interesting thing I noticed about this bug is that the issue is n ...

Crash assigning spline mesh on tiled landscape

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jun 1, 2015

Crash assigning mesh to spline on tiled landscape. ...