Attaching New Camera Actor to Spring Arm Component does not set the Location Correctly

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 2, 2015

After adding a new Camera Actor Component within Blueprints to an existing Spring Arm Component, the Camera Component adopts the location settings , but does not set its location within the viewport ...

Multithreading Race Condition Crash with Anim Montages

OLD - Anim - Apr 2, 2015

Basically, the problem is that the Main Thread is able to run AActor::Tick() (including Blueprint Tick Events) at the same time that the animation system is running functions such as UAnimInstance:: ...

Cannot Delete Event Dispatcher inside of a child blueprint when the parent has an event dispatcher as well

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 2, 2015

If the user creates two blueprints and parents one to the other and then creates 3 event dispatchers in total between the two in an alternating method it will cause and error and the event dispatch ...

AutoReimport can kick in too early for files that are being written out continuously

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Apr 2, 2015

When exporting a large file, due to the way the auto reimporter only checks for the number of changed files has remained stable for some given threshold, it can kick in too early even though the sin ...

Text Render component not showing in packaged builds

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 1, 2015

When the user adds an actor to the scene that has text render components, the components do not show up when shown in a packaged game ...

Opening blueprints causes editor to crash

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 1, 2015

Opening any files in folders (attached) cause editor to crash. Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] Frequency: 10/10 In user's project (available if needed), opening the project immediately crashes ...

The 'Add Movement Input' node no longer functions on a Default Pawn

UE - Gameplay - Apr 1, 2015

The 'Add Movement Input' node no longer functions on a Default Pawn. This worked in 4.5.1 & 4.6.1. ...

SetGamePaused on EventDestroyed crashes the editor on compile

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 1, 2015

SetGamePaused on EventDestroyed crashes the editor on compile. Reproduced in 4.7.3 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2496752) Crash Report: [Link Removed] Call Stack: UE4Editor_Engine! U ...

Project Launcher Back Icon Disappears when 'Use Small Toolbar Icons' is Enabled

Tools - Mar 31, 2015

With 'Use Small Toolbar Icons' checked in the 'Editor Preferences', the 'Back' button within the 'Project Launcher' disappears. The expected would for the button to get smaller and not vanish entir ...

Possession acts differently depending on whether or not "Run as dedicated server" is checked if newly possessed pawn is spawned just before possession

UE - Gameplay - Mar 31, 2015

If a player on a dedicated server attempts to possess a feshly spawned pawn, the blueprint must have an unpossess node just before the possess node to be able to possess the pawn. This is not the ca ...