Trying to type of a text box that is applied to a 3D widget will result in a crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 16, 2015

After placing a Textbox in a widget and then adding it to the level in the form of a 3D widget, the editor will crash if the user attempts to use it. ...

Default Values of Parameters from Material Function not saving in Material Instances

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Feb 16, 2015

A Parameter set in a Material Function cannot be reset to a default value in a Material Instance. Reproduced in 4.7p7 CL-2440994 and Main Promotable-CL-2444381 ...

If a pin is added to a node and then split only one of the pins can be removed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 16, 2015

If a user adds a Vector+Vector node, adds a pin, Splits the new pin, and then removes a pin the option to remove the other two remaining pins is not available. ...

RecreateLandscapeCollision console command regenerates collision over landscape holes

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Feb 13, 2015

Using console command 'RecreateLandscapeCollision' resets collision in areas that landscape hole materials have been placed. Workaround: paint new hole material to re-remove collision from areas w ...

Box selection in orthographic view ports with nothing previously selected will select BSP brushes even when you are not passing over edges or vertices

Tools - Feb 13, 2015

Box selection in orthographic view ports with nothing previously selected will select BSP brushes even when you are not passing over edges or vertices. The current expected behavior is that it would ...

Editor Drop Down Menus become out of place when moving across a small screen to a larger display

UE - Platform - Apple - Feb 13, 2015

In a Mac environment with where a MacBook Pro 15" retina display is used in combination with a larger 25" display "traditional resolution" the menus will drop down as expected on where the editor is ...

Access None with Event Hit to get Physical Material type

UE - Gameplay - Feb 13, 2015

When trying to get a hit result from physical material using a event hit node there will be a access none error caused in the log. This is the exact error presented: Error Accessed None 'CallFunc_B ...

Widget class is replaced with a placeholder class when reloaded

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Feb 13, 2015

After reloading this project the widget assigned to the 3D widget will be replaced with a Class called "PLACEHOLDER-CLASS PlayerHealth" PlayerHealth is the original name of the class that is suppose ...

LPV Light Propagation Volume does not work in the right eye of the Oculus Rift

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 12, 2015

When Using a LPV the lighting that is bouncing is only visible in the left eye. Oculus needed for reproducing this issue ...