Visualizing Custom Stencil Buffer returns incorrect results when an Actor with Render CustomDepth Pass enabled is visible

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 15, 2022

This is a regression tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL 18319896 Visualizing Custom Stencil Buffer returns incorrect results when an Actor with Render CustomDepth Pass enabled is visible. ...

World Partition causes client to disconnect from dedicated server

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - Sep 14, 2022

When using connecting to a World Partition level on a dedicated server the client get's disconnected immediately. I tested this with a non WP level and the client connected with no issues. I've inc ...

Child component reports Parent during On Hit events instead of itself

UE - Simulation - Physics - Solver - Sep 12, 2022

This is a regression tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 cl18319896 Child collision component reports its' Parent during On Hit events instead of itself.  ...

Crash after importing a 16k Normal Map while Unreal Real is Preparing Texture

UE - Texture - Sep 12, 2022

This is a regression tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 cl18319896 Editor crashes after importing a 16k Normal Map while Unreal Real is Preparing Texture. Other non-normal maps seem to work without issue ...

Game feature plugins load plugin config files incorrectly

UE - Gameplay - Sep 9, 2022

Game feature plugins load config files in a different way than normal plugins, which is confusing and can lead to broken behavior unless the developer knows about these issues ahead of time. The loa ...

Changing a Mesh's Build Scale doesn't update the Mesh's Bounding

UE - Editor - Sep 8, 2022

This is a regression tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL18319896 Changing a Mesh's Build Scale doesn't update the Mesh's Bounding to the same scale. ...

Inherited Blueprint component template data is not being validated on save.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 8, 2022

UBlueprint::IsDataValid() does not currently check component templates inherited from a parent Blueprint class asset's SimpleConstructionScript; only the current class hierarchy is considered. Given ...

Cannot change Use Custom Mode or Swap Root Bone properties on Movie Scene Skeletal Animation Params

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Sep 7, 2022

Two properties on the animation params are not exposed to BP ...

Preinfintiy and Postinfinity settings within the Curve Editor of an Animation can not be changed from Constant

UE - Anim - Runtime - Sep 7, 2022

This is a regression tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL 18319896 Preinfintiy and Postinfinity settings within the Curve Editor of an Animation can not be changed from Constant. Either by right clickin ...

Enable external linkage for the SFindInBlueprints API.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 6, 2022

External requests to enable external linkage for SFindInBlueprints APIs, for which visibility is currently limited to the Editor/Kismet module. ...