Bridge plugin causing crash when right-clicking content browser on Mac

Quixel - Apr 5, 2023

Right clicking in the content browser causes a crash with the Quixel Bridge plugin enabled.  This issue is occurring in Binary //UE5/Release-5.2-Preview-2 @ CL 24887336 This issue is not occurring ...

Crash occurs while attempted to drag and drop an asset from Bridge while it is docked to the Sidebar

Quixel - May 17, 2022

An Assertion is thrown while attempting to drag and drop an asset from Bridge while it is docked to the Sidebar ...

Editor crashes on start up after updating to 5.0 - Assertion failed: (TTraits::WithIdentical || TTraits::WithIdenticalViaEquality) [File:E:\UnrealEngine\UE_RelTestA\Engine\Source\Runtime\CoreUObject\Public\UObject\Class.h] [Line: 1476]

Quixel - Apr 6, 2022

User's are reporting that after updating to 5.0 the editor crashes on start up. This happens when converting an old project, creating a new project, or attempting to open a project. Some are reporti ...

[CrashReport]UnrealEditor-Bridge!void TSparseArray<TSetElement<TTuple<FString,AStaticMeshActor *> >,TSparseArrayAllocator<TSizedDefaultAllocator<32>,FDefaultBitArrayAllocator> >::Empty(int) [SparseArray.h:366]

Quixel - Mar 14, 2022

Generated from CrashReporter Error Message: Assertion failed: IsValid() [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\LocalInstall\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Templates\SharedPointer.h] [Line: 1008] ...

Nanite meshes swap materials during simulation

Quixel - Jun 1, 2021

When enabling nanite on Quixel Bridge assests.  Materials sometimes randomize to other assets in the viewport during simulation or PIE.  This does not occur every time and may take a few tries.   T ...