Context The Visual Logger is a powerful debugging tool to create and record visual representations, and allows people to review the data. Problem The problem is that it does not record things don ...
A licensee reported occasionally triggers an ensure during automation testing, potentially when the GameThread flushes Visual Logger via FVisualLogger::Flush() and an animation worker thread executi ...
By creating a DebugComponent, the texts added to this component are not displayed in the viewport of the Blueprint editor. This is because the UCanvas reference that is being passed is that of the ...
There is a clear difference in color saturation for the nav mesh debug material between when lit by a light with low lux values (6) and when lit with high lux values (1000) and eye adaption is enabl ...
UGameplayDebuggerLocalController::OnDebugDraw crashed with a dereferenced nullptr for CachedReplicator. ...
Context GameplayDebugger (Press ` in-game) displays a green smiley (AICON-Green) for AIControlled pawns that are running a BehaviorTree and a red angry face (AICON-Red) otherwise. If the AIControll ...
Description from licensee: We're seeing an ensure get tripped up in FDebugRenderSceneProxy that says "DrawDelegate is already Registered!". Debugging the issue, we have confirmed that the DrawDeleg ...
Gameplay Debugger is not drawing the labels associated with EQS query points inside the level. It does not show the scores, winner, or failed test (if applicable). ...
The GameplayDebuggerCategoryReplicator calls SetActorHiddenInGame(!bIsLocal) during its BeginPlay, so this actor is hidden on the server but visible on the client. However, bHidden is a replicated v ...