ULidarPointCloud memory leak

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Jun 14, 2024

Enabling SunPosition engine plugin causes a missing file warning in a packaged build

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Apr 18, 2024

Licensee noted that editor-only code from the Sun Position Calculator engine plugin was causing a warning in packaged builds. A similar issue was reported for 4.22 [Link Removed], but this appears t ...

Export Asset Task with Directory as Filename causes Editor Crash

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Jan 8, 2024

DataValidation System Implemented in EditorUtilityBlueprint Subsystem Crash

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Jul 24, 2023

Implementing data validation via an Editor Utility Blueprint works fine in the editor, but when run via the commandlet, the blueprint won't load the editor utility subsystems (i.e. Static Mesh Edito ...

ImportAssetsAutomated with CSV Factory Does Not Work with FText

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - May 18, 2023

When importing a CSV into a data table using AssetToolsModule with a file containing an FText, the resulting FText value is invalid. As a note, there are no issues when importing an FGuid, a FString ...

Editor Freezes after the user attempts to set a NewSpriteAtlasGroup to an imported sprite

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Apr 19, 2023

By setting an Atlas Group to a newly created sprite, the editor freezes. This feature is most important, even if this issue can only be reproduced by a minority of users. Repro rate: 5/5 Notes:No ...

LiDAR asset is distorted when reopening the level after closing it.

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Feb 15, 2023

Found an issue with the asset in the steps to reproduce in //UE5/Release-5.2 CL 24238206 Perforce. When closing and reopening the project the asset in the viewer shows up as distorted. The issue occ ...

LiDAR not importing colors correctly for .E57 Point Clouds

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Jan 6, 2023

Reproduced 3/3 times, issue does not occur in //UE5/Release-5.0 - CL 20979098 Binary. Confirmed Regression. LiDAR plugin is version .08 in UE5.0.3, and version 1.0 in UE5.1.0 ...