There is a bug inside Unreal Editor when selecting "Browse to Asset" for a Packed Level Actor. Right clicking the Packed Level Actor, all the asset options appear. If you click the "Browse to Asse ...
Hi, with adding additional plugins, etc. to our project, we have encountered an issue with registering too many asset categories, such as: LogAssetTools: Warning: RegisterAssetTypeCategory("Water", ...
When importing an asset like a Texture asset using the steps mentioned in the Repro steps, the imported asset does not have the correct relative path listed under the newly-created asset's "Source F ...
An imported file that resides within the project's folders gets a relative path. That path is not updated it you copy the uasset to another folder, so from the location of the new asset's the relati ...
The DataValidationCommandlet can run out of memory during execution as it does not unload any of the validated assets. This does not seem to be specific to the commandlet, since the UEditorValidato ...
Licensee noted that editor-only code from the Sun Position Calculator engine plugin was causing a warning in packaged builds. A similar issue was reported for 4.22 [Link Removed], but this appears t ...