The ResavePackages commandlet can be used to batch resave assets. The ResaveClass and IncludeChildClasses options let one resave all assets of a specific parent class. The problem is that blueprint ...
Copy-paste the TestCode.h and TestCode.cpp into a module Activate the customization in the StartupModule() function ``` FPropertyEditorModule& PropertyModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FPro ...
From this UDN: [Link Removed] The customer reports that this issue did not happen in 5.4. ...
This is from this UDN [Link Removed] ...
The following code example will generate category rows with nullptr assigned to OnPasteFromTextDelegate which causes a crash if the user tries to paste onto a row. Once you have this code create th ...
There have been multiple reports of this issue, particularly from schools, over the last 10 years: ...
Unreal Editor can get in an infinite while loop when the action Asset->Source Control->History is used in a Blueprint Asset. Reportedly, this issue is only encountered when using the Branches featur ...
SAssetView::SetMajorityAssetType for most asset types randomly picks a visible asset to grab the metadata from, which is what derives the CB columns. This can become a problem if the random asset it ...