FDateRange cannot be declared as UPROPERTY

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Sep 4, 2024

Unlike other range wrapper structs, such as FFloatRange, marking a FDateRange as a UPROPERTY results in the following error: error : Unable to find 'class', 'delegate', 'enum', or 'struct' with nam ...

Disabling Disregard for GC with an invalid asset in GameplayTagTableList causes a controlled crash

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Jul 31, 2024

Disabling Disregard for GC leads to a crash in GarbageCollectionVerification.cpp VerifyObjectFlags. This crash occurs when there is an invalid path specified in GameplayTagTableList. The cause of t ...

GameThread + AsyncLoadingThread deadlock - StaticLoadObject vs. StaticAllocateObject

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Feb 14, 2023

User reported encountering a deadlock between GameThread and AsyncLoadingThread and provided two callstacks.User quote I've been running into a deadlock intermittently with a custom blueprint conso ...

Crash occurs when renaming an asset that is used by Class Default Object

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Nov 23, 2021

Not a regression. Tested in: //UE4/Release-4.26.2 CL15973114 Binary - Reproduced //UE4/Release-4.27.1 CL17735300 Binary - Reproduced //UE5/Release-5.0-EarlyAccess CL16682836 Binary - Reproduced Fro ...

JSON Serializer FromJson function returns true when property types don't match

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Nov 16, 2021

If the type of a property in a Json string doesn't match the expected type in the Json serializable class being created, then the value for that property will not be read in. However, FromJson still ...

Duplicate keys in TMap and TSet after using FJsonObjectConverter::JsonValueToUProperty

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Nov 16, 2021

Found here: [Link Removed] The relevant sections in ConvertScalarJsonValueToFPropertyWithContainer() use script helpers to add defaulted elements to each container and then parse straight into them ...

Subobject delimiter replacement in ResolveName can cause previously valid strings to exceed NAME_SIZE

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Nov 8, 2021

ResolveName will replace the subobject delimiter (colon) with two periods. This increases the length of the string, and can cause asserts due to the string exceeding NAME_SIZE even when the name was ...

Instanced subobject property values nested inside struct members are copied from default data at object initialization time, possibly leading to an EDL error at runtime.

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Aug 18, 2021

When initializing struct members from default data at UObject initialization time, we are currently copying struct properties that contain instanced subobjects from the default data. This can potent ...

[Feature Request] Provide a reason string when marking a package dirty

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Aug 17, 2021

eInterdependencies between the assets aren't always obvious, and sometimes are counter-intuitive (e.g. assigning a material to a new type of asset generally requires saving the material after a usag ...

Properties not converting when using Core Redirects from BP to C++ class

UE - Foundation - Core - UObject - Mar 15, 2021

Note: I also tried with different variables names and property redirects. It's also hits and misses.  I tried with a bool and an integer. Only the integer will convert but not for all instances.. ...