Dragging a BP actor containing a child actor component of an actor class with a static mesh as its root component into the scene viewport will cause artifacts and hit SceneData.AttachmentCounter.Get ...
When an instanced static mesh component with a material using a PerInstanceCustomData node has its data floats pasted in, the editor crashes with an "Array index out of bounds" error. The licensee w ...
To step through the issue, in the -DiffOnly cook add a breakpoint to UChildActorComponent::OnRegister and UChildActorComponent::OnUnregister. It should hit 4 times:Once when LoadPackage loads the ma ...
Context: Some ActorComponents can schedule end-of-frame work which UWorld executes later in the frame in UWorld::SendAllEndOfFrameUpdates(). By-design it appears that it's not allowed to schedule mo ...
Changes to custom primitive data properties for instanced meshes placed in the editor work in-game but are not otherwise reflected in-editor. ...
If you have; BP_Foo, that has a ChildActorComponent of BP_Bar, and you set the Mobility of BP_Bar to Moveable, then place BP_Foo in a level and cook it. BP_Bar will end up at origin with a static at ...
The character movement component in void UCharacterMovementComponent::SimulateMovement(float DeltaSeconds) evaluates whether to find the floor when simulating the movement of the simulated proxy ...
Context ActorComponents can schedule an end-of-frame update for themselves by calling UWorld::MarkActorComponentForNeededEndOfFrameUpdate. The UWorld will iterate all those actor components once pe ...
CharacterMovementComponent has recently received support for custom gravity directions. Crouch logic needs to be updated to account for custom directions. Currently, crouching logic in CMC assumes Z ...
USplineComponent::GetSplinePointAt() returns an FSplinePoint with the ESplinePointType 'CurveCustomTangent' rather than the type from the setup.Expected: It should return the correct type. ...