Precomputed Visibility no longer calculated on Landscapes

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jun 24, 2015

Placing a Precomputed Visibility Volume around or through a landscape does not seem to calculate precomputed visibility for that landscape. This is a regression from behavior in 4.7.6. Also Tested ...

Clicking and dragging on a Widget component of an actor that spawns a copy and deletes it's self can cause a crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 24, 2015

When a widget component is clicked and dragged upon rapidly and that widget creates a copy of it's self and destroys the previous version it can cause a crash. ...

Spawning Instanced Meshes with Multiple Collisions Produces Error Log Spam

UE - Gameplay - Jun 24, 2015

Constructing instanced meshes with multiple collision components spams the output logs with error messages. ...

Conflicting FName for components freezes the editor with no warning

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 24, 2015

If two code components have the same TEXT("") name in the CreateDefaultSubobject call the code will compile correctly but the editor will freeze when adding an instance of the class or classBP to th ...

Code based component name differs in Blueprint Components and main Viewports Details

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 24, 2015

If the TEXT("") portion of CreateDefaultSubobject is changed then the name of the component will update in the main viewport details but will not update inside the blueprint based on the class. ...

Reverse Matinee Never Playing

Tools - Jun 24, 2015

When you attempted to fire off a Reverse Node on a Matinee Actor in the Level Blueprint, The Matinee never plays in reverse. Level Blueprint Setup: [Image Removed] This issue appears to be resolv ...

Enabling "Use mouse for touch" causing the drag and drop function to only work every other click in the editor

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 24, 2015

After enabling the "Use Mouse for touch" option in project settings the drag and drop function only working every other time, when clicking and dragging. This only happens in the editor ...

Comment boxes no longer allow pinning/unpinning of comment bubbles

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 24, 2015

Comment bubbles above comment boxes no longer have an option to pin/unpin comment bubbles. This functionality allowed users to choose whether or not to show the comment bubble, which was useful for ...

UDN: LICENSEE: Duplicated parameters in Material Parameter Collection are buggy

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Jun 24, 2015

When you add a parameter by doing DUPLICATE of an existing one, the new settings don't take effect. (Adding parameters and other copy/pasting seems fine as far as I can tell) I verified this at EGJ ...

Get positional Tracking Camera parameter does not return the correct orientation for the hmd Camera

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 23, 2015

The orientation of the camera appears to be in the center of the level. The documentation states that the Camera Origin should give "Origin, in world-space, of the tracking camera" ...