Sub Anim Instances Evaluate when not contributing

OLD - Anim - Nov 8, 2019

When using a sub anim instance, the instance will continue to update/evaluate even when its value is not currently contributing to the final pose. ...

Animation flickers when made visibility is re-enabled

OLD - Anim - Nov 4, 2019

An animation can display an incorrect frame upon having its visibility re-enabled, resulting in a noticeable flicker. This can be prevented by setting the mesh's 'Visibility Based Anim Tick Option' ...

BeginPlay not called for Post-Process Anim Instance

OLD - Anim - Oct 29, 2019

Post-Process Anim Instances do not have BeginPlay called. The proposed fix is to addif (PostProcessAnimInstance) { PostProcessAnimInstance->NativeBeginPlay(); PostProcessAnimInstance->Blu ...

Crash on applying animation modifier for some assets

OLD - Anim - Oct 29, 2019

When removing curves on some assets, a crash can occur. This seems to be due to const FSmartNameMapping* CurveMapping being null and dereferenced within UAnimationBlueprintLibrary::RetrieveContainer ...

Crash in a packaged project when loading into a level after a nativized Anim BP grabs a PoseSnapshot using a FName

OLD - Anim - Oct 25, 2019

In packaged projects will crash when an animation blueprint that is nativized loads into a new level. The anim blueprint needs to use the PoseSnapshot node with a FName variable passed before loadin ...

Debug values not updated for parallel eval Animation BPs

OLD - Anim - Oct 22, 2019

The watched values of a level instanced ABP do not update if a.ParallelAnimEvaluation is enabled. ...

Curves in compressed additive animations interpolate incorrectly when two keys in a row have the same value

OLD - Anim - Oct 16, 2019

Curves compressed from additive animations will not interpolate correctly if they have two keys in a row with the same value. The second key will be ignored, leading to the curve interpolating earli ...

Sequencer crashes when scrubbing characters with sub-anim instances and montage slots

OLD - Anim - Oct 2, 2019

I saw a following assertion. Assertion failed: (AdditivePoses.Num() > 0) || (NonAdditivePoses.Num() > 0) [Link Removed] [Line: 1381] This is my quick fix// code placeholder void FAnimInstance ...

Animation sub instances tick twice with a post processing BP

OLD - Anim - Sep 18, 2019

An animation's sub instances will tick twice per frame if a post processing BP is set. ...