Behavior tree observers are not added when search fails

UE - AI - May 25, 2016

Check UDN for repro tree setup, it should be visible on something like: root selector (decorator on key A, abort lower pri) child1: selector1 child2: sequence1 selector1 (decorator on key B, abort ...

Procedural Foliage Blocking Volume Blocks Sight Perception

UE - AI - May 25, 2016

Sight perception is being blocked by Procedural Foliage Blocking Volumes. Setting the volume to No Collision resolves the issue, but then the volume will not block foliage. Found in 4.12 Preview 5 ...

AI Perception Not Showing Up in Debugger

UE - AI - May 20, 2016

AI Perception does not seem to be showing up in the debugger. The same setup functioned as expected in 4.11.2 binary, but upon converting the project to 4.12 Preview 4 binary, no debug information w ...

Copy/Pasting Behavior Tree Nodes Reverses Decorators

UE - AI - May 20, 2016

Copying and pasting behavior tree nodes reverses the order of any decorators on the node. Found in 4.11.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.12 Preview 4 binary. Regression? Yes. This does not occur in 4.10 ...

Move Directly Toward Not Working Without NavMesh

UE - AI - May 18, 2016

The Move Directly Toward task does not seem to be working without a Nav Mesh in the level. Based on the tooltip "moves directly to the target without regard to any navigation system", it is expected ...

Significant Performance Drop During Play While Behavior Tree is Open

UE - AI - May 18, 2016

Attempting to play in editor, standalone, or VR Preview when a behavior tree that is running is open will cause a significant performance decrease. The framerate drops from ~120 to ~80 fps while the ...

Renaming Blackboard Key Not Updating Behavior Tree References

UE - AI - May 17, 2016

When renaming a blackboard key using the Entry Name box in the key's details panel, the names of the references in the behavior tree are not updated automatically. This is inconsistent behavior be ...

Attempting to Paste Behavior Tree Task with Decorators Pastes to Wrong Location

UE - AI - May 17, 2016

Attempting to paste a task that contains decorators does not paste it near the mouse location, and pastes it off screen instead. Found in 4.11.2 binary. Reproduced in 4.12 Preview 4 binary and Main ...

Multiple cleanup and initialize calls for behavior tree memory

UE - AI - May 11, 2016

Bug in FBehaviorTreeInstance processing reported on UDN. ...

Restarting Project Resets Scoring Equation in EQS

UE - AI - May 9, 2016

The user is experiencing his Scoring Equation being reset whenever he restarts his project. Found in 4.12 Preview 2 binary. Reproduced in 4.11.2 binary and 4.13 2967371. ...