Smart Links are Removed During Dynamic NavMesh Regeneration

UE - AI - Feb 24, 2016

Smart links disappear whenever the Nav Mesh regenerates while using Dynamic Runtime Generation. For example, if you have a dynamic object that is constantly moving and causing the Nav Mesh to rebuil ...

Setting Layer Partitioning or Region Chunk Splits to ChunkyMonotone causes hitching in navigation

UE - AI - Feb 23, 2016

Setting Layer Partitioning or Region Chunk Splits to ChunkyMonotone causes hitching in movement and navigation. The player will get caught on level geometry and temporarily halt or jitter in movemen ...

Crash Occurs in UAIPerceptionSystem::UnregisterSource When Exiting PIE

UE - AI - Feb 17, 2016

User Description: The Perception System crashes when exiting PIE on UAIPerceptionSystem::UnregisterSource. It doesn't check for null sense classes which are there by design I suppose. I transition m ...

Packaging fails after changing from Dynamic to Static Nav Mesh Runtime Generation

UE - AI - Feb 8, 2016

If you package with Runtime Generation set to Dynamic and then switch to Static and attempt to repackage, the packaging will fail with the following error message.[2016.02.08-16.18.14:511][217]MainF ...

Destructible meshes always affect navigation regardless of collision

UE - AI - Jan 27, 2016

Turning off a destructible mesh's collision will still affect navigation around the destructible mesh Note: This issue is related to [Link Removed]. The workaround for that issue does not apply he ...

Can Ever Affect Navigation does not detect updates to collision settings at runtime

UE - AI - Jan 27, 2016

When a mesh has its collision updated during runtime the navigation around the mesh does not update. Workaround: If the mesh is set to simulate physics then updates to its collision will update nav ...

Packaging Error When Setting Recast Nav Mesh Runtime Generation

UE - AI - Jan 25, 2016

Setting the Runtime Generation on the Recast Nav Mesh to a different preset than what is set in the Project Settings causes an error to appear upon trying to package the project, and causes the pack ...

Log Text, Log Location, and Log Box Shape, do not appear in Blueprint Visual Logger or Output Log

UE - AI - Jan 24, 2016

Debug information from blueprint visual loggers (log text, loglocation, logboxshape) do not print to either the message log or output log. This can be problematic as the visual debugger specifically ...