Soft Object unloads after some time when stored in a Blackboard

UE - AI - Mar 11, 2020

When loading a Soft Object and directly placing the loaded Object into a Blackboard, after about 2 minutes the Object will unload and become null inside the Blackboard. This issue only occurs in a p ...

Navmesh seems to have buggy behavior when interacting with HISMCs that programmatically set mesh via SetStaticMesh.

UE - AI - Mar 6, 2020

Both versions works correctly if HISMC is pre-placed (generated in ConstructionScript). Only when generated dynamically does it fails. The Navmesh isn't being updated after SetStaticMesh and AddInst ...

UDN - "Update Navigation Automatically" turned off, does not prevent auto rebuild of sublevels after going in PIE

UE - AI - Mar 4, 2020 ...

Investigate/fix navmesh tiles disappearing randomly when level stream in.

UE - AI - Feb 14, 2020

See UDN description: ...

NavLinkProxy potentially causing extra Character Movement

UE - AI - Feb 12, 2020

The user is using a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume and a Nav Link Proxy. They are calling AI Move To to navigate to the point, but the Character reproduces extra movement and goes a bit past it. For debuggi ...

Dynamic navmesh update causes navlinks to reset to their default state

UE - AI - Dec 16, 2019

Updates to dynamic navmesh cause navlinks to reset to their default state. Navigation still shows the path as accessible even though it isn't. This is a regression from 4.23.1 (CL-9631420) where th ...

UAIPerceptionSystem::Tick() has a chance of not being called after level reloading

UE - AI - Dec 16, 2019

UAIPerceptionSystem::Tick() is not called after level reloading. When Debugging, UAIPerceptionSystem::CurrentTime is always 0, and UAIPerceptionSystem::SourcesToRegister always contains sources to ...

EQS Overlap test no longer recognizes custom Collision Object Channel

UE - AI - Nov 12, 2019

Environment Queries Ignore tests for Custom Collision Object Overlaps. Note: The expected behavior seems to have worked in 4.21, After following the steps to reproduce, I can verify a successful de ...

Unloading a spawned Detour AI Controller using Level Streaming causes a crash

UE - AI - Oct 14, 2019

In a Level Streaming setup, unloading a level that has spawned an AI Character with a Detour AI Controller causes a crash. This was reported and tested in 4.23 (CL-8386587). This was reproduced in ...

EQS Debug Draw Shows Old Query Information

UE - AI - Sep 26, 2019

Sample project: [Link Removed] Debug draw update correctly: [Link Removed] Debug draw update incorrect: [Link Removed] ...