Crash on aborting main task of behavior tree's parallel node

UE - AI - Jun 12, 2015

It seems that we're getting an intermittent crash when killing a pawn that's executing a parallel node. It's crashing in BehaviourTree.cpp on this code: UpdateInstance.ParallelTasks[ParallelTaskId ...

Most GetActorFeetLocation should be turned into GetActorNavLocation

UE - AI - Jun 5, 2015

In most places in PathFollowingComponent calls to GetActorFeetLocation should be turned into GetActorNavLocation for flexibility's sake. However, it's not trivial and will require some thought. ...

A Blueprint containing a child actor component containing another Blueprint that derives from NavLinkProxy does not provide a nav path when a project is opened until paths are rebuilt

UE - AI - Jun 1, 2015

If a Blueprint is derived from NavLinkProxy, and then that Blueprint is added to another Blueprint as a ChildActorComponent, the second Blueprint's Smart Link functionality will not work when the pr ...

NavLinkCustomComponent fail to register if loaded with the level

UE - AI - May 29, 2015

NavLinks are failing to work due to UNavLinkCustomComponent::OnRegister being called before the creation of the UNavigationSystem. This results in the NavLinkUserID remaining 0 and the link never tr ...

There's no way to stop AI's movement from blueprints

UE - AI - May 28, 2015

AIController.StopMovement needs to be exposed to BP. ...

Behavior tree observers don't work with OnValueChange mode

UE - AI - May 25, 2015

Behavior tree observers do not notice the OnValueChanges ...

AIPerceptionComponent's DominantSense is not being used

UE - AI - May 25, 2015

It seems there's a bug in AIPerceptionComponent that results in information about dominant sense never getting processed and all derived data doesn't get set. DominantSenseID doesn't get set. ...

Potential BB-observing mechanics issue with BP implementable BT decorators

UE - AI - May 19, 2015

Error Cannot override 'BTService_BlueprintBase::ReceiveTick' at Event Receive Tick which was declared in a parent with a different signature ...

dtNavMeshQuery::findNearestPoly uses hardcoded array size

UE - AI - May 18, 2015

dtNavMeshQuery::findNearestPoly uses hardcoded array size which results in errors when search radius would require using more polygons then hardcoded the 128. ...

Blackboard interaction crashes engine

UE - AI - May 15, 2015

User Description: "I'm trying to implement AI and following zoombapup's Guard AI YT tutorials. Whatever I do within Blackboard crashes the engine. Yes even a single click on Self key. Here's the dum ...