Crash occurs if the Recast Navmesh is set to Dynamic and the BehaviorTree runs a 'Does Path Exist' decorator. Crashreporter info: [Link Removed] ...
Get Random Point in Raduis is being replaced by Get Random Reachable Point in Raduis. In the code it is marked, commented and all but actually completely deprecated. Just needs to be pulled out com ...
It needs to be either supported, or UBlackboardData should not show up in lists of valid parent classes. I'm not sure the latter is possible at all, so we should at least patch it up so that that ru ...
It seems that we're getting an intermittent crash when killing a pawn that's executing a parallel node. It's crashing in BehaviourTree.cpp on this code: UpdateInstance.ParallelTasks[ParallelTaskId ...
In most places in PathFollowingComponent calls to GetActorFeetLocation should be turned into GetActorNavLocation for flexibility's sake. However, it's not trivial and will require some thought. ...
If a Blueprint is derived from NavLinkProxy, and then that Blueprint is added to another Blueprint as a ChildActorComponent, the second Blueprint's Smart Link functionality will not work when the pr ...
NavLinks are failing to work due to UNavLinkCustomComponent::OnRegister being called before the creation of the UNavigationSystem. This results in the NavLinkUserID remaining 0 and the link never tr ...
AIController.StopMovement needs to be exposed to BP. ...
Behavior tree observers do not notice the OnValueChanges ...
It seems there's a bug in AIPerceptionComponent that results in information about dominant sense never getting processed and all derived data doesn't get set. DominantSenseID doesn't get set. ...