Navmesh streaming code is easy to crash

UE - AI - May 11, 2015

Basically it uses unchecked pointers in couple of places, which in some use-cases simply crashes. ...

Cannot disable the NavLinkProxy through the Smart Link option

UE - AI - May 6, 2015

Cannot disable the NavLinkProxy through the Smart Link option. If this is not the proper way to disable the NavLink, users are confused by the naming of 'Link Enabled'. ...

Calling UBehaviorTreeComponent::StopTree from a BT node can result in a crash

UE - AI - Apr 30, 2015

This is in general not encouraged, but should not crash. The reason it's crashing is that in UBehaviorTreeComponent::Tick we process node ticks first and then try to access InstanceStack[ActiveInst ...

AIController.BrainComponent not being set to user-created BehaviorTreeComponent instance

UE - AI - Apr 30, 2015

If a user manually created a UBehaviorTreeComponent for his custom AI controller, but forgets to set AIController.BrainComponent to point at that BT component then a fair amount of assumptions break ...

NavLinkProx's link direction issues

UE - AI - Apr 25, 2015

NavLinkProxy does not react to changes to LinkDirection in the editor. it also seems that link direciton setup doesn't get applied even when link's update is forces by moving NavLinkProxy actor. ...

Opening Gameplay Debugger while in PIE removes print string output from screen in subsequent PIE modes

UE - AI - Apr 23, 2015

If a user opens gameplay debugger ( ' pressed while in PIE), all print string outputs to screen disappear, and will no longer appear during any PIE session until editor is closed and re-opened. Wo ...

Setting NavModifierVolume's AreaClass at runtime does not result in navmesh rebuilding

UE - AI - Apr 23, 2015

The volume does accept the change and if it gets moved the navmesh will rebuild with new area set. The core issue is that setting NavModifierVolume.AreaClass at runtime does not notify navigation sy ...

Blackboard key filtering issues in BTTask_RunEQSQuery

UE - AI - Apr 20, 2015

User reported an issue with BB key filtering while using BTTask_RunEQSQuery. The filtering was inconsistent, sometimes filtering out keys of not matching type, sometimes not. User also reported sele ...

Compare Blackboard Entries returns incorrectly when comparing Enums

UE - AI - Apr 17, 2015

While investigating an issue with enum comparisons breaking when the enum changes, I discovered that the comparison will not return true if set to "contains NOT EQUAL values" and the values are not ...

Blackboard key selector losing set values in BTNode_RunEQSQuery

UE - AI - Apr 17, 2015

Seems that by manipulating blackboard key selector in BTNode_RunEQSQuery one can lose values set, and make BB key selection lose it's filtering (runt eqs should accept only locations and actor here ...