Loop decorators don't work with SimpleParallel BT composite node. We need to either fix it, or if we remove support for it restrict users from putting these decorators on SimpleParallel's children. ...
"I'm manually starting/stopping logic in code for multiple trees and the debugger doesn't update appropriately. After some testing with code and blueprint based breakpoints the newly activated tree ...
[Link Removed] In the link is an attached project. ...
Users are unable to open composite decorators for edition in BT editor making them utterly useless. ...
After place a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume into a level, launching the game and pressing the [ ' ] key to show information about the Nav mesh the print string stops working. If the User closes the game w ...
While using a pawn sensing component in an actor, the actor will not respond to sound data that is within the radius of its hearing threshhold/LOS hearing threshold. Additional notes: This was a ...
If a user removes a wall or box from the top down project base level, the navmesh will not update appropriately, creating a wall that the user will not be able to pass on PIE. Additional Note: Thi ...