EQSTestingPawn display queries in Components tab

UE - AI - Dec 10, 2014

[Link Removed] In the link is an attached project. ...

Unable to open composite decorators in BT editor

UE - AI - Dec 5, 2014

Users are unable to open composite decorators for edition in BT editor making them utterly useless. ...

LIVE: Print string not working when nav mesh bounds volume information is pulled up

UE - AI - Nov 12, 2014

After place a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume into a level, launching the game and pressing the [ ' ] key to show information about the Nav mesh the print string stops working. If the User closes the game w ...

Pawn Sensing Component is not registering sound data within hearing radius

UE - AI - Oct 30, 2014

While using a pawn sensing component in an actor, the actor will not respond to sound data that is within the radius of its hearing threshhold/LOS hearing threshold. Additional notes: This was a ...

Navmesh does not update properly on loaded BSP

UE - AI - Oct 20, 2014

If a user removes a wall or box from the top down project base level, the navmesh will not update appropriately, creating a wall that the user will not be able to pass on PIE. Additional Note: Thi ...